Looks excellent! You just need some more color variation. Maybe some carpet or flags/banners. How did u do the tillable bricks wth the little rocks caught between them? Could u post z pic of the zbrush model?
About my texture, Since I'm not a big boss in Zbrush, I juste work the edge of my stone block into and I put a soft noise on the surface. Nothing more.
The little rocks you are talking about where added directly in photoshop from a photo (faster and easier for me) and I generate there normal with the photoshop plugin.
Reiro => It's quite simple to describe ; I use a main color that I combine with 2 base photo of rock to have my "main material" and next, I just pick some random detail from plaster or concrete photo. When I do that, I search a certain grain and a precise kind of transition to make the best looking mix between all details.
For the short version, maybe 5 or 6
Nice start mate, I look forward to seeing where you take this. You stair asset looks great and don't really have to much to crit at the moment other than it would be nice to see your normal maps popping abit more, the floor and the plain walls look a little flat.
Quickel => It's certainly because I use my diffuse as specular and it has really strong Highlight =S I really need to change this.
Ryswick => Thanks dude !
Grimmstrom => You are right about the normal map, she is really flat. I ll try to pump it up for the next update
The first texture is about the wall, and the second is for the floor. It is a good idea to keep it simple ? I fear that the DXT compression f*ck me up the smaller details.
Hey there, this looks great. One thing that caught my eye on your floor normals is that the slashes you have across the tiles needs to have the green channel flipped. Currently the slash-normals are pointing outwards where you would expect them to be indents into the tiles.
Also it looks like the small pebbles needs the green channel flipped.
Basically I would just go over the overlays you have created outside zbrush and make sure their directions are unified with your sculpt.
I know these are minor issues but I am a sucker for these things
hoenheim, my comment about the specular "shining", while it could have been literal, was meant to say they look good. So it wasn't something I thought you needed to change. I think it really helps the textures to pop.
The banners idea looks great !
About my texture, Since I'm not a big boss in Zbrush, I juste work the edge of my stone block into and I put a soft noise on the surface. Nothing more.
The little rocks you are talking about where added directly in photoshop from a photo (faster and easier for me) and I generate there normal with the photoshop plugin.
How much photosources did you use for that texture?
For the short version, maybe 5 or 6
Loving the lighting, keep up the good work
Ryswick => Thanks dude !
Grimmstrom => You are right about the normal map, she is really flat. I ll try to pump it up for the next update
The first texture is about the wall, and the second is for the floor. It is a good idea to keep it simple ? I fear that the DXT compression f*ck me up the smaller details.
Also it looks like the small pebbles needs the green channel flipped.
Basically I would just go over the overlays you have created outside zbrush and make sure their directions are unified with your sculpt.
I know these are minor issues but I am a sucker for these things
I made a new generic texture for my corridor (the one in the above part). This time, colors are here \o/
Thanks for your crits
From this sculpt :