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Post Apocalyptic Survivor - Character

Hello, and thank you for reading my thread!

Some of you may know already, but I'm currently a second year student (about to start third year) at Uni. I posted a thread last week on this project, as its my first ever character! At the time of the original post my work was terrible, so I reworked everything, studied anatomy and had several nights of very little sleep learning more "organic" modelling, following tutorials, speed-sculpts, advice and reading magazines!

This is my first attempt at a character using Zbrush too :)

I will update this thread as I continue the character, and as always any constructive criticism will be greatly appreciated!
Concept By By George Munteanu:

Current WIP: (Made him a little older then concept; although I like the general look, wanted a more "Drake" age.)

Still Sorting Proportions!


Apologies, I understand my thread is currently quite image heavy (in size) and I will reduce accordingly shortly!

Cheers for viewing, and as noted above any C&C welcome!!


  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    you know it would be wise to get a photo of a good but similar looking head for reference. the concpet seems to me just good for guidance.
  • David Wakelin
    Ruz wrote: »
    you know it would be wise to get a photo of a good but similar looking head for reference. the concpet seems to me just good for guidance.

    I know what you mean, its very small and lacks alot of detail.

    I've been staring at multiple references, from Drake from uncharted to Hugh Dillion from flashpoint!

    Any CC welcome :)
  • David Wakelin
    WIP Updated - Still blocking out!
  • David Wakelin
  • BrandonMGraham
    In the industry for something like this, a character will only have modeled what will show. (ex. For the clothed models, you would have the neck up, and then the arms modeled, but the body would not actually exist as part of the model, you would just work some anatomy into the clothing.

    You should check out Capcom's Dead Rising 2's model(they have multiple clothing for the character, similar to this look)

    While if you want a nude model, you obviously need to do the full sculpt... You may not need to do the entire model again, and not modeling what wont be seen is an industry standard for efficiency.

    I found an image of the Nathan Drake model they use when he is clothed too: Nathan-Drake-wireframe1-546x400.jpg
  • Mulkyz
    Concept art looks great, but I think there's a few things I think you need to work out with your mesh.

    His legs (Mostly the thighs) look too thin and the upper thighs seem to end too early. If you look at your reference it seems like your model's thighs end way too far below the crotch - which makes his stomach look extremely long.

    His arms also seem to 'blend' into the hand too much - there isn't enough of a palm shape.

    Also I'd recommend using edge flow like this for the waist/legs (Green), and delete a lot of the unnecessary edges (Red):
    There are quite a lot of other loops that you could get rid of as well, I just highlighted a few.

    There is also a LOT of edges going towards the head from body. Try and set up your head edge flow so that you don't add extra loops to the entire body while shaping it.
  • David Wakelin
    Hi guys,

    Thanks for the feedback.


    Reason I did it nude to start with was I've never ever done a character model sculpt before, So thought this was a great opportunity to not only use what I've learned from books and magazines and videos to good use when it comes to anatomy.

    Not only that, but if this piece is successful enough to come down as a finished portfolio piece, it would be great in the breakdown to show - base mesh - sculpt of anatomy - sculpt with clothes on - textured. The entire process. I know this again isn't fully efficient - I do fully understand in a manner its a waste of time but again its more for learning curve.


    Again, greatly appreciate the feedback. Although it's only a base mesh - but it would be great to improve its efficiency in some places -i.e. wrist, ankles.

    You mentioned His arms also seem to 'blend' into the hand too much - there isn't enough of a palm shape, the palms are fine in fact they're probably too big - what was missing was a more of a wrist blended between the two.

    His legs again, I feel in terms of thickness feel fine to me, and the solution you offered to me in terms of leg solution (green curve) don't really make sense . It would result in at least 2 poles, all for what? no different would happen in terms of shape as my quads are fully shapable here.

    Example of Base Mesh from "Rogue" By Almighty Jr.


    - Again, what your advising more here - is solutions to a base mesh that don't really need doing; if you look on the Wiki, base meshes can result in anything from 100 - 10,000 tris. As this gets reshaped during the sculpt anyway, so its more about obtaining a general proportion.

    Cheers regardless.
  • David Wakelin
  • David Wakelin
  • Mulkyz
    The reason I mentioned the edge flow for the crotch was to make it flow better rather than having all of these straight lines you have - which a body has none of:

    Your palm has no shape to it at all, if you take a look at this:

    If you want to keep it the way it is, that's your choice. I just think it looks really weird at the moment.
  • David Wakelin
    Mulkyz wrote: »
    The reason I mentioned the edge flow for the crotch was to make it flow better rather than having all of these straight lines you have - which a body has none of:

    Your palm has no shape to it at all, if you take a look at this:

    If you want to keep it the way it is, that's your choice. I just think it looks really weird at the moment.


    I appreciate the comment on the palm as that again is general critique but what your doing is criting a base mesh... Which as I said is pointless... As this again gets sculpted. I could have left this as a box if I solely wanted, but regardless, I'm not going to be arrogant,the lines you posted on my base we're a great help and I will adjust these but in terms of the hand at this early stage rather just say thanks for the advice but at this point in the project, lack of Palm of a base mesh makes no difference until it's sculpted :) I will however ensure when I sculpt the hands I follow some of your great references :)

  • David Wakelin

    Any comments on my current sculpt WIP would be greatly appreciated.

    Now currently working on the form of my characters hands :)

    I will soon be finished the anatomy sculpt, soon to be doing the clothes!

    Please crit before I move on!!
  • woogity
    Hi David,

    In my opinion the base that you have laid out is fine geo wise, you have fairly evenly spaced square quads which will allow you to do pretty much whatever you want sculpting wise, which is ideal. I do have a few problems with the base so far in that the proportions are a bit off. I understand you are using this concept sheet, and the torsos on the male especially are a bit long on that sheet, but since the character you are trying to create is in the style of Nathan Drake, a sort of hand painted stylized realism, I would use more photo ref than strictly working off the concept; esp. with this being your first sculpted piece. So far my major critiques on the base would be that the head is a bit small, and the torso is much too long.

    In terms of your sculpting you have divided the mesh a bit too high to still be working on major anatomical landmarks. When doing a human body, or pretty much any body for that matter, it typically serves best to touch on all major landmarks first at a low sub-d lvl and then divide it further, refining the whole body one level at a time. Also, i could be wrong on this but it appears you are sculpting without perspective turned on, or at least displaying it here as such. always always always work on organic things like a human body with perspective on when you can, and when you share it display it with perspective on. Try using standard mat cap grey also as the material you have selected here is very soft and hides a lot of subtleties in the sculpt. don't worry about it representing human skin yet, worry about making sure your anatomy is correct first.

    (another forum hint:- when sharing Wip work esp at this stage in the sculpt, show it at a lower sub d lvl. about 2 back from where you are now would be able to show off everything you have sculpted here, and people wouldn't assume you had simply skipped over the rest of the body.)

    hope it helps

  • David Wakelin
    Hi woog,

    Thanks for the major crits appreciated there! I will adjust the base accordingly :)

    My sculpt, I have actually been working on the lower subdivision levels I just thought for display I should show it at a higher subdivision just to show off how the forms coming along. If I hadn't had done this I would of got a blobby like finish ( as it did when i first tried it on my attempts at sculpting Sculpting at division 5 shows really messy!)

    I think I have it in perspective... I'll double check that... I mean I just post in front/back shots to see from particular angles.

    I definitely agree with my skin tone I'll adjust that :p
  • dirigible
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    dirigible polycounter lvl 8
    The top of the head is boring, and mostly covered by hair, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. This has to be the #1 most common beginner mistake.
  • David Wakelin
    dirigible wrote: »
    The top of the head is boring, and mostly covered by hair, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. This has to be the #1 most common beginner mistake.


    Cheers for the crit, but I don't understand?

    I plan on making the hair from poly planes, yet you have an image which I'm guessing suggests the eyes need heightening? Or the general head top needs heightening?

    The eyes are correctly placed in line with the ears... However If you'd like to explain more rather then say it's boring I'll happily improve it!


    David :)
  • Aga22
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    Aga22 polycounter lvl 12
    nice work so far, i know you'll correct a lot of stuff on the way...what i wanted to say, judging from your concept is, he doesnt look post apocalyptic enough... he needs dirt, grime, and DIY repairs in his clothes and accessories, to look like a survivor guy. imagine let's say, a torn boot, repaired with duct tape, worn out leather jacket, and accessories a guy like that would need, a water bottle, a scarf (to protect him from nasty stuff, etc...)
  • Ashaman73
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    Ashaman73 polycounter lvl 6
    The eyes are correctly placed in line with the ears... However If you'd like to explain more rather then say it's boring I'll happily improve it!
    The eyes are more or less vertical centered in the face. Therefore the distance between eye-chin equals the distance eye-top.
  • David Wakelin
    updated wip - improved from my crits

    cheers everyone :]
  • dirigible
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    dirigible polycounter lvl 8
    Hey, David. Sorry if I was a little vague.
    One of the proportions of the head is that eyes should be placed in the middle of the head (from top to bottom). So my image was showing that your character's skull is too short, giving him a slight caveman look. If you haven't already, I would devote some time to reading books on figure drawing.
    Andrew Loomis' books (particularly 'Figure Drawing, for All it's Worth') are a popular choice.
  • David Wakelin
    dirigible wrote: »
    Hey, David. Sorry if I was a little vague.
    One of the proportions of the head is that eyes should be placed in the middle of the head (from top to bottom). So my image was showing that your character's skull is too short, giving him a slight caveman look. If you haven't already, I would devote some time to reading books on figure drawing.
    Andrew Loomis' books (particularly 'Figure Drawing, for All it's Worth') are a popular choice.


    Cheers For the crit! I went back to subdivision 1 yesterday and reformed alot of my face, and lining it up to match a bald yet muscular man from 3DSK to ensure my
    Proportions are ok. Took a while but I got there :) lowered the ears, enlarged the eye socket, widened the head in general, but flattened the shape as it was quite oval!

    Cheers was some great feedback and I think ATM it matches the concept Alot better aswell as invokes some realism to the anatomy :)

    Any more crits appreciated while I work on the hands!
  • David Wakelin
    Workin on hands. Is there anything I can improve before I start making clothes guys?
  • David Wakelin

    Will increase headsize, seems a little too small at the moment!

    C&C Appreciated.
  • David Wakelin
    Made an update;

    I would like to finish the characters anatomy as soon as possible now, and move onto the clothes - any crits would be appreciated to improve this first stage before I move on!

    Be harsh, would like this to be a portfolio piece.
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