Hey Polycounters!
So I've been messing around with some parallax materials via sculpting and baking maps down. Thought I whack up my progress and see what y'all think about it.
This material is supposed to be some stone tiles in a bed of sand, not really meant for indoors, but the contrast in lighting there shows it a bit better.
Editor Screenie:


Getting quite a weird ridge appearing where the geometry is displacing in the bump offset, is that due to too much height contrast in the heightmap? If so is there a way easily fix whilst retaining the height?
Crit away...
New Height Map:
I'm still having this weird issue when I zoom in in the mat editor, I have also decreased the height ratio from 0.05 to 0.015 to stop it being ridiculously exaggerated.
Also put on a specular power of 70, just looked right!
Use the grout mask you are using for the heightmap, and paint in some subtle variations in height and blend into the tiles.
Some of the tiles themselves can use some variation in heightself as well, so don't be afraid to experiment by creating a couple shades and multiplying over a few of those blocks.
quite pleased with the outcome now - more crits?
Reducing the grouting to be pretty much non existent, and have added height variation in the new bakes. Am gonna create textures and will post updates!
Not sure I'd be able to do the rotations for the bakes, as Max would crash to death if I tiled that many tiles, several million polys (overkill I know..). Might be able to within PS though - we shall see!
More Crits?
What does your normal map look like at this point? And have you looked at this (referring to what he does to the normals), by any chance?
Material is most likely going to be put into a vertex painting shader, so don't want to integrate such features.
Here are the goods!
Though they feel a little large compared to the scale of the door/window to the right?