Hi all! This is finished work and I tried to post it in the showcase forum but for some reason I am forbidden to post there so I ll do it here.
This is my latest finished project. This is something around 30k triangles without the base. I used zbrush to make high poly sculpt and topogun for retopology. Also 3ds max was used for making base meshes . May was used for rigging and skinning. Rendered in marmoset. All bakes are done with brilliant Xnormal! I will soon post a turntable video and some wires. I hope you like it !

I have added a bit of side light with a buesh hue and it is not affecting him that much . Just wanted a bit of blue on his face
Would be very interesting to see the wires of this guy. People could point out what to improve for your next project. And while you're at it, show the maps as well. For a game character the technical part is as important as the artistic part in terms of production.
Some parts like crown are a bit too highpoly for lowpoly character but it was done due to animation purpose. The crown was used in close up cinematic shot.
also here are some more breakdown images:
Dat belt is HOT
Good presentation + base
Good diffuse
Clothing sculpture could be better
Material definition a bit weak
Overkill on polies.