Ladies and gents,
I present to you, my humble prop...a prop which has gained distorted significance in my mind because of this thread here:
I had to bust my sorry ass for days to get this work done and so now, even though intellectually I know it's no big deal, it's a huge deal for me and so I'm damn well gonna show it!

256x256 maps.
but yeah. yellow as hell!
and i don't know if you're too concerned with the ground...but them grasses is way too straight.
aint half bad for 256 though.
I'm think I'm going to keep the bloom though.
As for the ground, it's a just there to provide context for this particular piece o' work but, that grass might show up somewhere else so I'll add not only a bit more curve to the blades but maybe a bit more noise in the length of the blades as well.
Thanks for the feedback.
adjusted both the lamp's spec and the ground's spec so that the spec highlights that aren't describing a metal material are inverted to produce neutral/white highlights.
adjusted the lamp's diffuse texture so that the metal surface's color/diffuse is a bit darker.
Check it out: