Hi polycounters
. I love this community.
I fell in love with game art a few years ago and did a bunch of ugly lowpoly characters, but while I was getting older (I'm 23) and having to get a job and think about a career path, I think the attitude to get shit done started be drained from me. I have read lots of threads here about Art Depression/Lack of Motivation and things like that since my registration, and I'm pretty sure that waiting for inspiration isn't the way that it works. I know that I just have to bust my ass and get shit done. Ok. But I'm facing some dubiety about the path I have to go for. And without a focus it is hard to keep working.
Right now I work as an web programmer and realized that I really don't like it. The place where I work has a good environment but I just don't want to do programming for a long time. I have to start thinking on something for the future, set goals.
I live in Brazil where we have a very small gaming industry and I still don't have the level to fill a position as a 3D artist.
I'm wondering if working with advertising would be a good choice although my thing is count triangles.
My problem is what path follow.
- Learn high poly modeling/lighting/render and try advertising since it is what we have most here. And then work on my portfolio for games later. At least I will be working with 3D and improving my art skills I think.
- Or just keep with programming and making game art on my spare time to try get a job in the very future. And here I don't know what exactly to do. Hand painted or next gen? I really love hand painted because of blizzard and I'm pretty aware that it's a dream that maybe will never become true :poly142:. Or go for next gen since it is the most common nowadays and sculpiting is cool too.
Thanks. :thumbup:
I think my english is so bad that people just don't understand what I want to say. Or it is just too personal that is difficult to say something.
I'm not the one to give advice, I didn't make yet. But some of my idols (and I supose yours too) gave me some good tips. Grassetti said to me once, that I should choose something specific from what I like to do and master it. It's what I'm trying to do with hand painted stuff. Being a generalist is a must in Brazil, but for internationatil market, being a specialist is better for you.
Pedro Toledo said to me once that I shouldn't be so affraid about the high level stuff posted on these forums. Foruns tend to make you think that everybody in the world is better than you. The fact is that a forum concentrates the best works from the best guys in the world. But geographicaly, they are spread appart. So, You have good oportunity, even if you are not soooo good.
What I do to keep me motivated is always think about my brazilian idols - and fortunately we have many (Grasseti, Pedro Toledo, Antropus, Fausto de Martini, Alex Oliver, just to name a few) to give me some examples of talent and perseverance. Keep practicing my friend and posting here. Even if you don't receive a bunch of comments, the few ones will help you to make you a better artist. Read, watch and practice tutorials too. And study english, this is a very important thing to do.
Give this a good read too, I think it will be useful:
And this is it. Espero que n
I'm very aroused.