Hey! It's been a long time since I used this part of the forum. I started to like this effect so I guess it's time for some C&C

The particle system has 3 emitters inside: Ribbons for flames, regular particles for smoke and ember. I'm working on optimizing the smoke particle count right now.
The materials are basically using world coordinates as UVs so the flames are continuous on the mesh and ribbons.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_E7shCtXV7o"]UDK flames take 2 - YouTube[/ame]
Thanks for looking, any C&C is much appreciated

My 2 cents.
Nice effect so far. Only crit I can really give is try to vary the smoke colour slightly?
Flames don't always burn black it's a mixture of dark grey shades and blacks
Are you also working on some kind of UDK flamethrower?
Lew, I'm not working on a flame thrower right now but yes, it's in my mind
Nice one
Looks much better
BTW I have no idea what's wrong with the thread title. Can someone explain please