It's good to be back!!
Some of you may remember me as TechSmith from the old PC boards. I've been away for a long time and haven't opened Photoshop,Max, or even Wings3d for years. Well.. that's finally changed. After spending 5 years in a soul draining marriage I'm free again and feeling the urge to be creative. It's good to be happily divorced

I've got to say you guys have truly upped the quality during the years I've been gone. The stuff I'm seeing in P and P these days blows me away. I'm striving to reach even a 10th of the awsomeness of the work present on the boards these days. You guys are an inspiration.
I'll head back to lurking now. At least untill I have some noob questions for all of you.
I'm hoping that sometime between the jobs, classes, and raising kids I'll actually have time to practice more and eventually start posting some work.
I've been on sketchbook pro all day trying to relearn how to paint with the wacom. I'm suprisingly better than I was years ago :poly121:
Soon I'll trymy hand at 3d again.
Tellme more about the streaming desktops on Google+. I've basically ignored Google+.
Screen share, voice comms, text chat, webcam etc all in one
This is actually a bit embarrassing. I work in IT, but this application has me scratching my head.