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vertex lighting + normal maps ?

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Noors greentooth
Hey there !

I was wondering how UDK or other cool engines manage static vertex lighting+normal maps.
I've never really put my hands into those beasts, lack of time.

So i get the whole directionnal lightmap (or radiosity normal map) thingy, in order to make normal maps work on lightmapped object.

But what if they are lit with vertex color and not maps? Same process : lights directions and color stored in vertex data ? Actually, in our engine from 1980, we apply a lightmap on every single little normal mapped object, which really isn't optimized. So i'd like to use vertex color and still use normal maps.

Thanks for inputs.


  • JamesWild
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    JamesWild polycounter lvl 8
    Set the lightmap resolution in the static mesh editor to 0. Boom. Vertex lit with normal maps.
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    Yes i wish, but i don't use UDK.
    I'd like to know how it is handled in UDK, how/where are stored the lighting informations.
    It's probably transparent for UDK users (and that's good for them) but i'd like to mimic the process within 3ds max and custom shader. My idea is to store the lights data in vertex channels, instead of storing in maps. This will probably be less precise, but saves a second uv set and a directionnal lightmap, which would be welcome on small props.
  • JamesWild
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    JamesWild polycounter lvl 8
    UE3 uses spherical harmonic lighting somewhere in their renderer, and I would not be surprised if they store the properties for such in the vertex attributes. Who knows though. Issue with vertex lighting is that it can be inefficient to implement depending upon what you're working with (you want to be able to change only specific attributes between objects which I don't think is possible - would need a full copy of the vertex data for every lightmapped instance? Maybe also with lightmapping though you could move the UV scope around with uniforms?) and is reliant upon geometry meaning all lightmapped models have to be produced with the limitations in mind. You'll just have to get people experienced with developing render pipelines to do it. There's a billion ways of storing lighting data in vertex attributes, look at the memory/power you've got to spend and develop something that fits the requirements. There is no silver bullet
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    Ah, i don't think our engine can handle instances with unique uv2, so we already break all the instances, multiplying the vertex data.
    " Maybe also with lightmapping though you could move the UV scope around with uniforms?)"
    Sorry, i don't get what you mean.
  • JamesWild
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    JamesWild polycounter lvl 8
    If you were using lightmaps, and you stored your lightmap UVs in 0...1 space you could use uniform variables to change the part of the lightmap atlas that 0...1 space applies to by performing a lerp in your vertex shader.
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    wouldn't that mean 1 shader per instance ?
  • JamesWild
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    JamesWild polycounter lvl 8
    No you can change uniforms per batch. Not sure how it interacts with instancing.
  • glib
    As long as you understand the concepts behind direction/radiosity lightmapping, applying the same thing to a vertex bake isn't much different. At a base level, you're constructing three new orthogonal vectors around the normal, and baking once for each of those instead of using the normal itself. You then need to store that information. Whether you store it in a texture or as a color per vertex doesn't really matter.

    If you can explain how you think storing it in a lightmap versus storing on a vertex is different, I can try to explain more/better?
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    In fact, i was more guessing that in case of vertex lighted object, UDK uses radiosity normal map, but instead of storing on maps, it stores on vertex data.
    But first I'm not really sure about how RNM are set in UDK for better performances.
    I think they mix the 3 directionnal intensity in the 3 channels of a map. Then there's a shadow map, to prevent objects to have specularity in dark areas, then i'm not sure on how the color of lights is stored.

    Storing everything in vertex data in 3ds max might be tricky, but i guess is doable. I was just wondering if it was the way to go. It would require atleast 2 paintablevertex channels (vertex color+ vertex illum ?)

    Well maybe i'm wrong, but i think this would be useful for people using unity for instance, or people who wants to use some specific render engine (vray) and afaik, i didn't see any tutorial on per vertex rnm. Though, since i've started to look at RNM, i see it becoming a bit more popular on Unity, but only with maps.

    btw, nice tutorial on calculating rnm with vray here
    better than mine on the wiki.
  • o2car
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    o2car polycounter lvl 16
    Noors wrote: »
    In fact, i was more guessing that in case of vertex lighted object, UDK uses radiosity normal map, but instead of storing on maps, it stores on vertex data.
    But first I'm not really sure about how RNM are set in UDK for better performances.
    I think they mix the 3 directionnal intensity in the 3 channels of a map. Then there's a shadow map, to prevent objects to have specularity in dark areas, then i'm not sure on how the color of lights is stored.

    btw, nice tutorial on calculating rnm with vray here
    better than mine on the wiki.

    For Mirror's Edge each surface had 3 X RGB lightmaps (one for each incoming light direction, storing both color and intensity).

    With a pixelratio of 1/cm, it soon becomes clear that this used a fair amount of memory, but since the diffuse textures in ME could in many cases be monochrome this was not a big problem for us.

    However, Epic made a change to optimize their RNM setup in UDK so only two maps were used. Now color was stored in one map and the intensity in the other, separating the connection between the two which made it look very flat. The difference was probably not that visible in a game like Gears, but for Mirror's Edge it was devastating. Luckily we could revert it.

  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    Separating color and light intensity is something currently done in compositing tho. Not sure why it would be different "in theory". I shall run some tests.
    3*RGB maps is easier to get straight from max, but for my per vertex thingy, i'm affraid i can't use 3 vertex channels that support RGB.
  • o2car
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    o2car polycounter lvl 16
    In a game environment, if you want the directional and in-directional light show up properly in the normals you need to store color and intensity together for each direction. (3 per surface)

    If you separate them (2 per surface) you will get the intensity of the incoming light displayed correctly, but the color will be flat.

    Having this done right is much of the "secret" behind the lighting in Mirror's Edge.
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    This + your talent and your cool tone mapping curves :q
    Well ok, i could still use one of this two methods depending the project and the optimization required.
  • o2car
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    o2car polycounter lvl 16
    Thank you! :)

    A good example how RNMs separate colors depending on angle of indirect light in Mirrors Edge.

    First image shows lightmap only. Second image shows the same scene in the game.
    Look at the ventilation thingy.
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    Ah yeah quiet obvious and probably less noticeable on desaturated look like GOW.

    So everything was baked down into maps ? Props etc... Nothing on vertices ?
  • o2car
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    o2car polycounter lvl 16
    Some things were vertex baked, like small sticks, debris props and such. But they didn't really blend in with the rest of the scene until we got probe-lighting, unfortunately this was after the game was released.
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