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"Conscience" - Horror Project Seeking Character and Environmental Artists

polycounter lvl 6
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ZenDavis polycounter lvl 6

General Information
• Game Title: Conscience
• Platform: PC
• Genre: Action and adventure
• Theme: Survival Horror / Western RPG
• Camera View: First Person
• Engine: CryEngine 3
• Price: $39.99
• Release Date: October 2013
• Team Size: 13 Developers
• Project Started: January 2012

• First Slasher genre WRPG in development for the PC!
• Twenty three killers with unique behaviors and methods of attack.
• Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence that Flanks, Hunts, Tracks, and Traps you like no other game before it.
• Persistent Injury System: Real time damage to the player causes the gameplay to adjust to their injuries.
• Multiplayer co-operation allows players to promote or hinder the progress of other players depending on the situation.
• Multiplayer Dialogue Trees.
• 60 Community Perks that you can receive for helping or hurting the youth camp community.
• Community tied directly into your progress. Death of individuals in the community means a loss of social points that used towards earning perks.
• Over forty different endings depending on how you play the game.

Staff Needed
1x Art Director
--Experienced with other projects.
--Able to commit time into this project

2x Character Artist CE3
--Experienced with Custom Texture Creation
--Able to commit time into this project

1x Character Rigger CE3
--Experienced with finger and facial rigging
--Able to commit time into this project

3x Environmental Artist CE3
--Experienced with Custom Texture Creation
--Able to commit time into this project

"Conscience" is a multiplayer first person psychological horror RPG set in a lakeside camp where players take on the responsibility of managing the grounds and looking after the youths when a group of masked individuals invade and begin killing everyone they come across. Part "Manhunt", part "Resident Evil 4", and part "Heavy Rain", "Conscience" is a brave new journey into horror, offering gameplay that is fun, exciting, and provocative, and an experience like nothing else from the industry.

Developed inside CryEngine 3, "Conscience" brings together a number of the mechanics found in your favorite games, including an expanded version of the dialogue tree mechanic found in games like "Fallout 3" and "Mass Effect", the trap setting and AI mechanics found in the iconic opening village attack of "Resident Evil 4", the intense atmosphere of "Manhunt", and the mature storytelling of "Heavy Rain". Each choice you make in game. Each person you save or abandon will then end up factoring into one of over forty endings you receive at the end of your playthrough, resulting in unparalleled replay value for you and your friends.

Story Flow
The game begins on a bus heading into the camp. The player chooses a character and then begins to introduce himself to a variety of individuals on their bus. Once they reach camp, they receive a roster sheet with the name of everyone attending the camp. As players get to know different NPC characters over the course of the next twelve hours, the nearby town erupts into flames. Hours pass and soon individuals at the camp start vanishing.

Upon looking for these individuals, a fog descends inside the crater. In the distance shapes appear stalking the player. Not too soon afterwards, these individuals viciously lay siege on the camp. The players can retreat to the other NPCs or can try escaping the camp on their own. Depending how the player plays the game, the outcome of the story will change.

The intended player experience is meant to center on two specific experiences. The first is the experience of getting to know the community you are in and getting attached one way or the other towards those NPC characters. The other experience is of the terror of being attacked in the darkness by those who wish to hurt those you've grown attached to. We will incorporate gameplay ramifications of losing those individuals where you will lose the social points you will have gained by doing missions for individuals. The loss of social points will be retroactive resulting in the loss of earned perks. The player will have a choice of which perks they must sacrifice for the loss of those social points.

The killers will typically try to ambush, hunt, and trap the player character. This will result in a constant state of fear and terror. A heartbeat meter based around hearing and the proximity of individuals will help keep a lump in players' throats and make the experience of playing the game far more intense than it otherwise would be. They will never know who is approaching. This will be exacerbated by the save system which works on a time oriented mechanic rather than allowing the player to save the game themselves. The fact that players will have to survive in order to reach a time based save point will further emphasize their survival and make the gameplay experience even more realistic for them (like Day Z).



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