Hi guys and girls.
Looks like I will be moving to Horsham sometime in the coming weeks.
Since I don't want to rot on the street I am looking for a place to stay, maybe a flat and I don't mind sharing place with others.
Maximum price for me would be 600 pounds a month, so if anyone has a place to rent out or know of someone that has, I would be very thankful

The problem with that is unfurnished, nothing included in the rent like internet and other stuff. Still if I cant find anything else I will have to go with that
So finding someone to share a place with me wont be easy in my own network, that's why I was hoping maybe someone on polycount is moving the same way
To put things in perspective, my modest two-bedroom house about 15 kilometers away costs £1000 per month, with £153 per month in council tax, about £75 per month for gas/electricity and £320 per year for water. My basic cost of living is probably in the order of £20,000 per year.
FYI, Horsham is quite a small town, so I would not expect to find anyone else moving in that direction! Enjoy Creative Assembly.
I will keep looking trough the sites, since it's not many weeks until I leave, around 2 weeks, so I will have to jump on whatever I can find.
It's a quite small place to be England, still 3 times more people than where I live now I Norway, will be quite a change
I will enjoy Creative Assembly, once I get down there
Are good sites.
Good luck!
Will be searching to find a flat, makes it easier on myself to, wont have to buy as much furniture.
My house is considered to be 'three bedroom', however one of the rooms is unreasonably small in my opinion.
Prices vary from around £1200 per month to around £3500 per month. I should probably really be paying around £1600 for my place given that it's of reasonable size.
Edit: Houses also cost two-three times that much to buy here!
If anyone has more tips or info it's very appreciated.
If its possible and convenient for you, look at the option of commuting in from a cheaper area. I ended up a 20 minute cycle ride away from work for a decent two bed house at the same price as a mid town tiny flat.
Also they said that they can't help me directly with getting my own place, but I got a link to a agency that I am in touch with.
But going trough them also get's more expensive and the place is really more than I need, but still the cheapest one.
Also I am not moving down before I have got myself a place, I don't want to end up a 3D artist crackwhore(not my official position)
Baj Singh: Yeah, some places are ridiculous expensive, still I have found cheaper ones to share with others, just waiting for them to message me back.
And even then it's about 20 mins with a bicycle, not the worst thing used to that here in Norway, as I don't have a driver license. Still I might look again for some place a bit further away
Try looking in areas a little further out near rail stations; Horsham a station, and within 10 minutes there's Crawley, Ifield, Littlehaven, Warnham, Faygate and Billingshurst amongst others. I would probably look at Crawley since it's a much bigger town.
Awesome! Great work man, I knew you''d make it! yeah you'll like the area though, it'll be easier to find a cheaper place once you're down there. Maybe you can find a roomie, as long as you have somewhere to live it's fine. ^^
I went to England for my first job, really nice experience :thumbup:
chrisradsby: Thanks
Where in England did you live, when you worked there?