Hi I have amoel. On wich I placed a metal04 material , then I fill with a gray and in mrgb mode I drag drop a texture.....
ToughI see that is. Different from using a spotlight , because seems the texture is always kind of faded or influenced bythe material color or the filled color ....why that? How is possible to place a texture in this paint drop style without having to use spotlight . CouseI find the whole wheel round thing quite ankward and not smooth for workflow...
Any ideas orsugestions?
Thnx for any answer:) ...
if you don't want influence from material or anything else, fill the object with the flat-colour material, and pure white colour, and then start polypainting with RGB set to 100%.
Material does affect polypaint data because material is polypaint data and you're using MRGB. Flatcolor will give you 100% RGB value instead.
If it applies polypaint and xnormal doesn't bake it, then you'll have to recheck your xnormal settings to make sure that it's using vertex colors.
for the inzbrush drag rectangle stroke instead It really depends on what material I have under , if I use a plain white the texture looks really washed out and light , not like is inthe original ... The only way I am getting the exact texture is instead with the spotlihgt , but I am not really a fun of the system to draw with that , while I appreciate much more the drag rectangle ... and if worked woudl be better.....
So you want xnormal to bake the material information as well then? I think pics would really help.