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Space game looking for modelers

Hello. me and a friend have just started fleshing out the idea. We're currently looking for a competent modeler that can do gritty, futuristic corridors, turrets, and other space based items. The work will be unpaid. Unless, we get to the point where we have something presentable for kickstarter and a competent team of coders helping out. Now, on to the good stuff.....

Jokingly named "Project Dilli", It will be a first Person, Space game, MMO. You may be asking "But, what do you do?" Good question. We plan on making it as A combination Tactical sim, starfighter sim, ship designer. There will be 3 classes. Officers, Designers, and Fighters.

Officers: Each player that chooses officer must rise through their own ranking system. Rising from their factions academy (More on factions later) on to captain of their own ship or commander of a fleet. A player may choose not to become A captain. Maybe become A weapons officer on a ship? The captain relies on his officers to get things done. Each captain chooses his officers. Npc's will wander the ships halls, doing their duties. A captain may choose to put A player in charge of the engine room. Or the medical area. A captain must also keep their NPC crews morale up and tend to their needs, or risk mutiny.

Designers: Designers are the first step in a starships life. Designers create ship designs on holo-boards. To create them, designers use pre fabricated corridors and halls. Everything, down to the wiring from the bridge to the reactor, is up to the whim of the designer. Once the ship is to his liking, he may use A drydock to build the ship, and sell it to a faction, or on the open market.

Fighters: Each starship in a faction is designated A certain number of starfighters depending on it's class. Each fighter is made up of a Squad leader, A human player, and A squadron of NPC fighters. Fighters are trained to lead their squads to protect their starships and defeat attackers. They may choose to upgrade their starfighters. Their squad composition is completely decided by the leader.

Everything will be in first person. From commanding your starships to commanding fleets from a holographic table. From designing starships to building them. From talking to your squadron in the mess hall, to fighting with them in space. Everything, from the ships, to the weapons, to the uniforms, will look like they would be used on starships as little as 100 years in the future.

We won't be able to do this without A strong team behind us. We need artists and coders. Sound designers and musicians. Level designers and storyboarders.

We here at Freeroam games thank you for your assistance.
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