Crossposting from ZBrush Central, c'mon Polycount, show me your moves!
I can't be the only person who's noticed that Zbrush has some real issues with scale. When made at default unreal scale (16 maya cm = 1 unreal foot) my models are enormous in zbrush. This wouldn't be a problem, except that so many of zbrush's tools are based off of it's own internal scale, instead of the scale of the mesh. So when I GoZ a model from maya to Zbrush, the deformation tools, surface noise, transpose, dynamesh, and even some brushes control very poorly - or are completely unusable. What I noticed, though, is that this DOESN'T happen if I export an obj from maya, and then import the obj into zbrush. It only happens when I use GoZ. This is an incredible impediment to working with GoZ - which sucks, since GoZ is an amazing time-saver.
Are there any fixes / do the developers know this is a problem? I haven't found anything from googling the problem except really kludgy solutions (mostly rescaling the model in zbrush). Please tell me there's another way.
This might be helpful
sorry for bumping an old thread