First time posting on here but I would love some feedback, comments, or even snide remarks about the fountain I have been working on for a horror survivalish game a group of friends and I are working on.
This is the image that the fountain is roughly based off of. My wife found it in an art book on our book shelf from her brother. She told me that it was my next challenge to model. The image I have been using is a darker image and smaller. I know there is a ton of work left to do on the piece. I should have included WIP in the initial posting. I am going to try to keep updating my progress here.
that's more of a waterfall than a fountain. are you gonna use particles? i suggest you look at italian fountains for inspiration if you wanna do carvings and stuff.
for the game we are using UDK so the fountain will be imported into UDK and then have the water and particle effects added there. I will look at Italian fountians as well for some more inspiration and reference.