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Sketchbook: Joeri "SabreWing" Roels

EDIT: No longer indicative of my skills, therefore I removed this post's contents. Should be deleted.
Contents were early 3D Anatomy tests.


  • SabreWing
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    EDIT: No longer indicative of my skills, therefore I removed this post's contents. Should be deleted.
    Contents were early 3D Anatomy tests.
  • SabreWing
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    EDIT: No longer indicative of my skills, therefore I removed this post's contents. Should be deleted.
    Contents were early 3D Anatomy tests.
  • SabreWing
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    EDIT: No longer indicative of my skills, therefore I removed this post's contents. Should be deleted.
    Contents were early 3D Anatomy tests.
  • SabreWing
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    EDIT: While old, I still like this one.
    Newer stuff past this project.

    Felt like doing this yesterday evening, and surprisingly it didn't take me too long.





    And of course a turntable:

    Raziel Turntable


    EDIT: Oh right, nearly forgot. That's Raziel from The Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver 1&2 and of course The Legacy of Kain Defiance.
  • SabreWing
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    Did some of his clothing and hair.
    Unfortunately I ran into some problems with the UVs in Mudbox and had to redo them, and Import UVs breaks every face. So now when I paint it's like it paints the wireframe. Someone else on this forum had the same problem so but unfortunately there's nothing I can do at this stage.

    So texturing will have to wait until after the inevitable bake. That is unless exporting the sculpted model into 3DS Max, importing the UVs there and subsequently exporting it back to Mudbox solves it. After all, once I start painting I don't need the lower subdivisions anymore. I'll try that tomorrow.

    So anyway, here's the update:


    EDIT: It was a roadkill issue, I should have known.
    Roadkill always causes faceting.
    Solved it by applying a Meshsmooth of level 0 to the base mesh and exporting and reimporting UVs.
  • SabreWing
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    Ran into some more problems. One of the textures got corrupted and I lost a little progress. I do however have a texture file that is not corrupted, so I'll be able to use that. What I lost were the boots, but they weren't as good anyway:


    So now I have this and some loose textures (Those from the image above) I can apply afterwards:

  • Cybersam
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    Cybersam polycounter lvl 8
    The good thing is your creativity is there. But there's 2 MAIN THINGS you need to make an improvment on now :

    1. Take a look at an anatomical reference, then look at your character model. There's quite a few proportional errors that need to be addressed (gimme a pm or something if you want and I will walk you through it).

    2. You really need to plan and concept some of your variations more. At the moment the only differences im seeing are faces and one of them had breasts. Draw them out and research some more before you get started. If the idea is poor. The product will be poor.

    I apologise if that lot sounds harsh, but if you can push past this, improve on what I said and prove me wrong, it will go so far in your career.
  • SabreWing
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    EDIT: This post mostly concerns the old Anatomy tests I have removed.
    Cybersam wrote: »
    The good thing is your creativity is there. But there's 2 MAIN THINGS you need to make an improvment on now :

    1. Take a look at an anatomical reference, then look at your character model. There's quite a few proportional errors that need to be addressed (gimme a pm or something if you want and I will walk you through it).

    2. You really need to plan and concept some of your variations more. At the moment the only differences im seeing are faces and one of them had breasts. Draw them out and research some more before you get started. If the idea is poor. The product will be poor.

    I apolgise if that lot sounds harsh, but if you can push past this, improve on what I said and prove me wrong, it will go so far in your career.

    Thanks for the feedback, I'm sorry I'm so late with my reply, my courses started a few days after my last post, and It's almost exclusively programming so I haven't had the time.

    My proportions and anatomy have improved a lot over the years, mostly thanks to harsh feedback, so don't worry about saying it as it is. It's a little unfortunate that I currently have so little time to model and draw, my Raziel has been sitting there for months now, unfinished.

    I'll take your advice to heart. I've been looking at anatomy as much as I can while waiting for the train or in line. You know, really observing people without looking like a creep (I hope).

    As for the variations, I'm afraid I should have been more clear. The variations were never meant to be full, finished concepts. Mostly just tests to see how well I could alter the base sculpt, as well as trying some small techniques. I don't think I'll be using one base sculpt for every important character I make, but it's easy to try some stuff and maybe use in the background or something. Like I said I'll probably start from scratch anyway next time I have the time.

    Anyway, I really appreciate your reply. But I currently don't have the time to do anything artistic regretfully (With the exception of the DOTA 2 contest, which I have to take part in as part of my single artistic course).
  • SabreWing
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    It's been almost a year since my last post.
    I've been extremely busy with improving my skills.
    I just finished my revision of a male and female base model.

    So started by creating a composite image of a man and a woman (for privacy reasons I will not post these) and in Photoshop create a modelsheet using those photos.


    I then created 2 base models in 3Ds Max.



    I then imported these in Mudbox and created a seriously exagerated anatomy sculpt (virtually no fat).



    Don't mind the faces, I did absolutely no sculpting on the faces so they still look exactly like they do after subdividing the low poly.

    And lastly I took those extremes and made them into realistic ones.



    I also made the man less hunched and made a couple of small improvements to the woman but that's hardly worth more pictures.

    You can pretty much see the entire creation process on the facebook page (the above images are linked to it as well).

    Facebook Page containing Making Ofs

    Here's a comparison video of the two Extreme Anatomy sculpts:


    I also did a joker bust a while ago.


    That's all I got. Most other things I worked on are paintings and drawings, all of which can be found on the above facebook page.
  • SabreWing
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    Did not want to combine the previous 3D heavy post with this 2D heavy one.

    Some drawings I recently did for a concept I'm working on:



    I've already done more than those, but I haven't found the time to upload any. I did however upload a video of me drawing some of them.


    I also did a speedpaint of a sea monster:



    A massive paint of a female elf.


    With a making of the sketch:

    Female Elf Sketch

    And a short video detailing some of the painting:


    A painting based on reference that could have been better.

    NSFW, I guess

    And three pieces of fanart.


    CyberDemon Video



    That's it.
  • Devart
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    Love the elf sketch and painting vids
  • SabreWing
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    @Devart: Thanks, I'll try to do some more in the future.

    Major post on the Female sculpt.
    Had to do the sculpt again since I added a Biped to the low poly base to make posing possible.


    This is the final female sculpt (with detail shots):


    And did a test pose to see how well that works. No additional sculpting was done, so muscle deformations aren't realistic, for a finished product that'd be a simple resculpt of the affected areas.


    So I'll have to do the same for the male (rig, skin, resculpt), I'll update when that's done.
  • DEDE_pig
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    DEDE_pig polycounter lvl 8
    The breast are abit low on the body from the chest.

    And also the lower abdominal muscles, if you look from the side.
    it look fat rather than musclular.
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