Hey guys, we're finally able to show our work from Darksiders II, and I've got my website updated. This is an art dump with some of my favorite scenes and sculpts that I worked on. I am an environment artist and world builder on DS2. Feel free to ask any questions you have and I'll do my best to answer them.
Man, this looks amazing. I went to your site, but I only found breakdowns of the individual props. I would *love* to see more in depth how you go about making environments like this!
I got a pm asking about kitbashing and the designer blue room. For kitbashing, we had several tiling strip textures that had been sculpted for metal, stone, wood, etc. If we needed an asset and couldn't sculpt it for time or performance reasons we modeled it and textured it using the existing strips. We also pulled interesting elements from other assets to add to them as needed.
Our designer blue rooms tended to be pretty simple, it was usually square walls and floors built in the editor and all the design related stuff like switches, puzzles, etc. For a few key rooms we had concepts to go off of, but for most rooms we could pretty much make whatever we were inspired to make as long as it didn't change the puzzles/traversal too much or break loading. We worked with design throughout the process (they are mixed in throughout the pods) so we would work together to adjust puzzles to fit a visual idea or vice versa.
I've been blown away by the art of Darksiders 2. You guys at Vigil have done an outstanding job and the best complement I can give is "Roll on Darksiders 3!!!"
Out of all the levels in DS2 I gotta say my jaw dropped when I seen Black stone for the first time. Having that massive blackhole slowly sucking up Samuel's keep was really something special to see.
I got a pm asking about kitbashing and the designer blue room. For kitbashing, we had several tiling strip textures that had been sculpted for metal, stone, wood, etc. If we needed an asset and couldn't sculpt it for time or performance reasons we modeled it and textured it using the existing strips. We also pulled interesting elements from other assets to add to them as needed.
Our designer blue rooms tended to be pretty simple, it was usually square walls and floors built in the editor and all the design related stuff like switches, puzzles, etc. For a few key rooms we had concepts to go off of, but for most rooms we could pretty much make whatever we were inspired to make as long as it didn't change the puzzles/traversal too much or break loading. We worked with design throughout the process (they are mixed in throughout the pods) so we would work together to adjust puzzles to fit a visual idea or vice versa.
Stylised art on consoles is slowly disappearing as console generations come and go
Out of all the levels in DS2 I gotta say my jaw dropped when I seen Black stone for the first time. Having that massive blackhole slowly sucking up Samuel's keep was really something special to see.
I feel you bro'... i feel you