This is were I will be posting all the work I do in my free time.
Up until about a month ago, I have been very busy with work. Now, I finally have the time to art up in my free time.
I decided to start with a pretty large scale scene. Here is what I have so far. Apart from props, most of this map will be unique geo. I know this is pretty taxing for most engines, but I think the fact that everything will use tillable textures, will make up for it. Plus, I'll try to keep the polycount low.
I know its not much yet... but I'm sure it'll shape up to something nice.
I still havn't made the main focal point, still trying to figure that one out.
Anyhow, crit is greatly appreciated.

Anyhow, still wkin on a small library of tillable textures (not fun), but in the mean time, I'm also working on a hoverCraft/vTol for the scene.
The design is an experiment in weird shapes and organic hard surface. Turned out way more difficult that anticipated. Anyhow, this is still a WIP and requires many more days of revision. So crit is certainly appreciated.
*image taken down
Are you using some concepts, sketches, refs?
I'm very intrigued to see what kind of universe you have in mind.
I will add additional detail when I start baking, but right now, I think its in good shape for LP.
I did start on ball turrets to come out of the circular doors, but i don't like the model yet. Also, the cockpit will be on a separate higher res texture sheet. For that reason, I haven't fleshed it out all the way (that's why im not showing it off).
*edit: turned image into link
how large is this vehicle compared to a person? its really hard to get a sense of scale on it.
the paneling is organic in shape yet has very little seams for construction. the back end near the thruster is almost entirely 1 continuous seamless body.
you have a lot of cylinders with shapes cut on to the tops of them that look like they have no function to them other than to add visual noise.
the grill on the front is a really interesting touch, but that visual "retro inspired" style isn't applied to much else. is that grill inspired by contemporary vehicles?
Plus, I will break up the larger sweeping surfaces. That wont be easy since I wanna keep all my curves. Edge flow is tricky. lol
I also need to add more landing gear as well as more micro detail.
As far as the gill, im gonna get rid of it completely. and replace it with something a little less noisy. Rather than exhaust, I wanna make it look like a container for various sensory equipment.
Overall, I'm very pleased with the final result. It was very difficult to preserve all those curvy shapes, but it was totally worth it.
btw, here's a super high res:
Second clay render
I am going to nitpick, though, and it's only because I have been staring at this thing out of adoration for like fifteen minutes. The housing around the back of the craft, around its jet engine looking exhaust feels a little barren in the one shot where we can see it. It feels a little out of place when put next to all of these other gorgeous detailed pieces. I feel like it could use a little trim or paneling.
Again, it will still be fucking amazing even if you don't go back to that area. Seriously amazed. Love it!
How did you go about designing this, did you draw out some sketches, or did you just go in with just an idea and started modelling away?
And looking forward to the end result (I do hope you are gonna bake and texure this beast
Extremely nicely done. Probably the best I've seen of a spacecraft.
Any chance of a wireframe? Pretty please?
So happy you guys like the ship.
@Zpanzer: I'll get a clay render done once I'm done withe the LP. I wanna hit that milestone before I do anything else.
@Shanthosa: you make a very good point. I actually had tried to add panels in the back near the main exhaust, but I had a lot of trouble cutting in pieces while preserving all those curves. Tbh, it was so painful that I would rather try doing it in the texture.
As for the little exhausts under the vtol engines, I'll see if there's a way to make it look more substantial without having to actually make the hole bigger. Perhaps if I changed the grates to something thinner and longer? I'll have a look at it.
@joeriv: When I first started, I put together a 3000x3000pxl collage of refs and concepts. In this one in particular, I used stuff like aircraft landing gear, stripped engines, generators, nebuchadnezzar, hawken mechs... The side silhouette came from a whale (but I guess with the landing gear it looks more like a bull). The landing gear came last after a coworker recommended it. Also, I used a particular concept a lot... but it has no name on it. I have no clue who it is. The concept is titled "PAX UNS Hopper HPR71S."
The first image is a render of the hoverCraft in UDK. The lighting is all real time with various post fx and a few sexy flairs.
The model is 40k (next gen polycount) with one 4k and two 2k textures. (the stairs do not factor into the specs. It's only there for scale.) Generally, I would have halved the res of the textures, but I didn't want to rob you guys of some extra detail.
The second image is few shots of the ship using the xoliul viewport shader. This is so that you can get a better look at it without any flairs, bloom, or dof getting in your way.
The screenshots were taken with the grab viewport script.
Btw, the flairs were cannibalized from the BRAWL scene by Jordan W.
Maybe just a tad to desaturated on the camo (but it seems that that is only the case in the xoliul screens),and the effects on the UDK screen hide the model/texture to much.
But that might just be me, I almost feel bad saying something about a texture like that
Anyway, off to the inspiration folder it goes ^^
I second the hangar bay comment.