just paste the link, don't think it works with the shortened url. if you want to make sure it's working before you submit reply, paste the link, hit go advanced, then preview post, if it worked it'll show the video in the preview post bit
I get this question a lot. Marine's correct, you have to use the url from the address bar, but sometimes it won't work if you have a bunch of extra stuff in it. So just follow this...
Then paste that directly in your post and it should work.
work in one shot instead of just a band aid solution of let's hope it works and if it doesn't oh well?
Just wondering is all, I always had a hard time with this and just gave up and started posting the link and saying (to myself) if someone checks the link awesome good for them if not they missed out..
just ran into this myself. interestingly enough the forums will accept url tags in both Caps and lowercase but video ebedding only works in caps. strange behaviour.
work in one shot instead of just a band aid solution of let's hope it works and if it doesn't oh well?
Just wondering is all, I always had a hard time with this and just gave up and started posting the link and saying (to myself) if someone checks the link awesome good for them if not they missed out..
I get this question a lot. Marine's correct, you have to use the url from the address bar, but sometimes it won't work if you have a bunch of extra stuff in it. So just follow this...
Then paste that directly in your post and it should work.
I have to pull this thread up every time I post a youtube video! And sometimes I cannot for the life of me figure out why it's still not embedding.
However, this seemed to work for me today: paste the web address like picture above, but make sure to Remove Link. For some reason it doesn't like it when it's already linked.
actually, im curious. this use to be so much easier, but then youtube changed. You use to be able to just hit the share button, hit the long link and copy that and it would work fine. But you cant get the "long link" anymore. now it gives you some yo.utube bs.
So, say you see something on facebook thats embedded. when you click the little youtube button to go to youtube, it brings up a link that looks like this /watch?feature=player_embedded&v=3VdthV6sLFA. So how do you convert it to make it work here?
If you want to embed your Vimeo video, use this code
"[-vv-] ###[-/vv-]"
where the "###" is the numbers in your video URL (no dashes, they're just there so that it won't try to embed a non-existent video)
If you changed the URL to be words, then have the "###" be replaced with your words so, "[-vv-]myvideo[-/vv-]".
Then paste that directly in your post and it should work.
I am just curious couldn't you just add that plugin for the forums that makes
Just wondering is all, I always had a hard time with this and just gave up and started posting the link and saying (to myself) if someone checks the link awesome good for them if not they missed out..
*whistles away, as if nothing was said*
What band-aid solution? You would rather put in tags on the end of a URL instead of just needing to paste the URL itself?
aww im flattered!
I have to pull this thread up every time I post a youtube video! And sometimes I cannot for the life of me figure out why it's still not embedding.
However, this seemed to work for me today: paste the web address like picture above, but make sure to Remove Link. For some reason it doesn't like it when it's already linked.
So, say you see something on facebook thats embedded. when you click the little youtube button to go to youtube, it brings up a link that looks like this /watch?feature=player_embedded&v=3VdthV6sLFA. So how do you convert it to make it work here?
Like this:
If you want to embed your Vimeo video, use this code
"[-vv-] ###[-/vv-]"
where the "###" is the numbers in your video URL (no dashes, they're just there so that it won't try to embed a non-existent video)
If you changed the URL to be words, then have the "###" be replaced with your words so, "[-vv-]myvideo[-/vv-]".
Thanks to Steffen for sharing this tip with me!