Latest UPDATE!!!!!
Hello everybody, im going to be making agent venom from the venom comics when flash thompson becomes venom, heres a reference pic in case anyone doesnt know who he is.

So far ive made the basemesh and worked in some rough anatomy, i dont want to go too into detail right now because he'll be wearing armor but i really want to capture the sillouhette, and proportions so i would love some crits right now, after this im going to start working on the mask.
PLEASE CRIT! :thumbup::thumbup:
right now im trying to decide on what type of chest armor im going to go for, remember this is just rough sculpts trying to lay everything out first but any critique what so ever is greatly appreciated, hopefully by tomorow ill have the torso and shoulder armor done and have the fore arm started,
So what armor is looking good to everyone im kind of leaning on 1 or 3
Armour options wise I think I prefer 2 but with on the abs but 1) on the sides. Nice work and god speed.
Rmunday- i think your absolutely right no correctioin needed, i was trying to do something i saw from the comics but it would just stab him in the belly.
SO tonight im going to be furthering his armor more imgoing to geth the back done as well.
So im still working on the torso armor, working on the rough shape and idea. im trying to make sure this armor is practical, also when it comes to material its going to be like this:
tactical and mobile like batmans armor but leaning more towards armored batman from arkham asylum
pls crit
Finnally got a nice armor design down in my opinion, still in the rough stage, still have to add the small details and straps, then bring it in to maya to really bring the hard surface out but other than that going a good direction...... i think...
1. His ears probably would not be that defined if he has some sort of hood or mask on covering his head. I would soften that up quite a bit - possibly even get rid of it altogether.
2. A minor point, but his center of balance from the side view looks a bit off, as if he's leaning back too far. It's hard to tell, since I can't see where his feet are rooted in that last picture, but it looks like he's tipping over backward. Maybe bend the torso forward a bit at the waist?
All in all lookin pretty cool, though!