By now looks a bit weird... the balcony from the left is too straight comparing it with the one from the concept. The tower also is a bit small and it needs a bigger diameter. And the brick textures...are too big. It's a good start, but needs lot of work. Could you provide some close-ups ? ^^ Cheers and good luck working on it!
Thanks a lot for pointing that out I made a fixed on the size today
^I also tweaked my textures a bit..
Here's my brick from close and my modular wood that i used for my environment
^Idk where i messed up on the bricks that it casts that dark shadow in certain places.. I use zbrush to make the tiling textures normal and it came out like that.. Is it maybe an inverted Y problem by any chance? or I did something wrong =/
Try to invert the Y, it looks like that is the problem. And don't be shy with making those beams real, from the walls. We are not playing Gothic 2 anymore ^^ One thing i noticed, in the last pic you made it concrete and in the concept the walls is made of wood. Planing on bring it in later ? And try to bring a little more roundness here and there on the walls. The brick texture looks good now.
Not sure if you started working on the thatched roof yet but you might want to check out AzzaMat's sand tutorial he made: its near the bottom of that page. You might be able to use some of his techniques to create your straw in your style
@k21n haha thanks i will fix the beams and add the wood xD @Skummel Thanks for that link! but I already started on the roof using different style =(
I still don't know if its gonna look okay, but here how it look right now
I will post screenshot of the roof in UDK when I'm able to open it.. (laptop cant handle it) =(
Well if you did it for games it would kinda depend on how you could view the building :P If you only walk around on the ground then you'd spend most of the budget near the bottom of the house.
I would suggest you take those alfa planes for the hay roof and go along the whole roof and see how that looks. because right now it looks a bit aqward
okay if you guys say so....I'll fix the hay when I figure something better then...
@dudealan20001 I'm sorry i dont really get what u mean.. You mean just make the alpha as long as the house is and not put them on top of each other like i did?
I was playing around with foliage today.. What do you think guys?
@Fwap ah! my friend was telling me about making some color behind the grass and I thought its more like a color variation (dumb me) Now I knowwww what's up with that.. Thanks a lot I understand more about foliage texture now haha
Anyway i've been putting stuff and just bake my lighting.. I have questions regarding some of the weirdness >.<
1) Whats up with the color difference? I use the same texture but it gives me that brightness =/
2) This is foliage paint in UDK.. After I baked it turn black.. Grass is also foliage but it doesnt do that, so anyone know what happen?
The grass and dirt is looking a bit sampled and out of place of the aesthetic. I think that's the first thing I'd tackle. Painting it to match the grass sprites would also be ideal.
Looks like a good start though!The towers in the distance are looking a bit odd due to the texture the roof has. Perhaps look at more references at castle structures -- something about the tiling of the texture feels odd.
Here's a screenshot of the old and new roof
^Do anyone else thinks the old one is better?? cause I feel the new one is more pleasant to the eye.. =/
@Yokai this is the best reference i could find for the grass since the concept is so vague --> link . So I figured its a tall grass with flowers.. I will try to blend the dirt more and fix the bacground castle
How did you fix that lighting problem with your pebbles?
For your roof, I think you need to put some more of those hairy alpha planes in places, cuz they look a little weird just stuck on the edges like that. I like your brick walls, they have a lot of depth:]
^I also tweaked my textures a bit..
Here's my brick from close and my modular wood that i used for my environment
^Idk where i messed up on the bricks that it casts that dark shadow in certain places.. I use zbrush to make the tiling textures normal and it came out like that.. Is it maybe an inverted Y problem by any chance? or I did something wrong =/
@Skummel Thanks for that link! but I already started on the roof using different style =(
I still don't know if its gonna look okay, but here how it look right now
I will post screenshot of the roof in UDK when I'm able to open it.. (laptop cant handle it) =(
From far looks alright, but it is actually a messed....
Is there any tips on how to do this right?
I think you're doing alright so far
EDIT: just noticed that the whole scene has that stylized aesthetic. A more realistic style may interrupt that...
okay if you guys say so....I'll fix the hay when I figure something better then...
@dudealan20001 I'm sorry i dont really get what u mean.. You mean just make the alpha as long as the house is and not put them on top of each other like i did?
I was playing around with foliage today.. What do you think guys?
It will help with that black line, Also turn the opacity down a little.
Anyway i've been putting stuff and just bake my lighting.. I have questions regarding some of the weirdness >.<
1) Whats up with the color difference? I use the same texture but it gives me that brightness =/
2) This is foliage paint in UDK.. After I baked it turn black.. Grass is also foliage but it doesnt do that, so anyone know what happen?
^I also fix my roof its not as messy anymore \o/ ... will post screenshot tomorrow for the roof after I add the alphas edges
Looks like a good start though!The towers in the distance are looking a bit odd due to the texture the roof has. Perhaps look at more references at castle structures -- something about the tiling of the texture feels odd.
^Do anyone else thinks the old one is better?? cause I feel the new one is more pleasant to the eye.. =/
@Yokai this is the best reference i could find for the grass since the concept is so vague --> link . So I figured its a tall grass with flowers.. I will try to blend the dirt more and fix the bacground castle
For your roof, I think you need to put some more of those hairy alpha planes in places, cuz they look a little weird just stuck on the edges like that. I like your brick walls, they have a lot of depth:]