Hey all,
I was wondering if you guys could give me your opinions/first impressions of my portfolio. This one is about a year old and I'm looking to either build upon this design or scrap it and start from scratch (depending on the response).
I'm going to scrap the demoreel/vid section, I never got around to filling it with anything. Being a bit ambitious at that time.
Be as harsh as you need to be

Example: If I started at the Tauros Assault Car I'd end up at Dr.Doom Catacombs by simply just clicking the arrow supplied on the right once you do click an image. Same would go for any image shown, the arrow would cycle the image according to It's order in the list till It returned to the image clicked on first.
Also the rollover images for the paper craft didn't work on the first 3 icons.
I like the work!