Hey all,
I was working on this environment the last couple of weeks. The scene is inspired/based on The Last of Us. It's set in a post apocalyptical city e.g. New York.
Because the city has been abandoned, dust will appear on assets and the city will become more overgrown. Buildings will have broken windows and foliage will also appear in these spots. At the moment I have a few placeholders in the scene, like the trees. The reason for this is that I'd like to fill up the bar with art first so it's sort of a new portfolio piece. From there I can expand the scene with more assets as I go. Because of the scale of the project, with at least the bar completed I'll keep myself motivated to keep working on the scene.

Latest screengrabs:

It's this building from the front cover right? (never heard of it before now)
yes indeed, it's based on the cover art and other concept art from the Last of Us that has been published by Naughty Dog.
Take a look at this image:
Look at how tightly knit together the ivy is. It is climbing up and around things, also notice how the Ivy leaves at the bottom are larger then the ones at the top, where they are starting to end , or wrap around the window sill.
Do some research on how Ivy grows and how nature would take the earth back. I wouldn't necessarily use a video game as a reference, even though they probably used real-life reference it would really help yourself and environment to follow real-life reference.
I hope this helps.
I'm looking forward to hear from you guys what you think of this, for me the composition feels way more defined now.
I want to thank Bryan Cavett who gave me some awesome tips to improve the scene and did a magnificent paintover. Thanks man!
Anyways, feedback is welcome!