Hello again,
So I've been playing around with ZBrush, and let me say at the start, I'm still a newbie as to how it works. But something that's been bothering me now is that I've been pretty much unable to choose or utilize any of the stroke options except for the 6 that always show up in my left sided Stroke option box. When I try to load any other strokes in the stroke drop-down menu, it doesn't seem to work and the brush just defaults to free-hand stroke, even though a different one is selected. Sort of what I've shown here in this image (Rectangle stroke chosen from drop-down menu, though it is not showing up in left-side Stroke rollover):
I know this was working before but somehow it must have broke. I was wondering if anyone might have any idea as to what got broke or changed and how I might fix it?
EDIT: Is this a case where I cannot use these strokes while in EDIT mode? Because I seem to be able to use them in Draw mode. Well, some of them, others are still unusable.
Typically, you should select the stroke type by using the flyout button that's beneath the brush flyout button (on the left side of your UI) - this will show you the stroke types that are available for your selected brush. By holding down Control first, you'll see the stroke types available for masking, and control+shift will show you the clipping stroke types.
Hope that helps.