Hay Guys ..
It`s had been ages since i posted anything so i thought i would post up my current WIP maybe get some feed back and try to finnish it

It`s still pretty ruff in places - pants boots some anatomy boo boo`s etc but i figured it would fire it up any way
as i read somewhere, most of the time you can see either obliques ripped on a surface, or a serratus, not them together.
also: first pair of rectus abdominis muscles, origin of the muscle is on xiphoid process of the ribcage, yours look wrong and they manage to slide apart of main group and didnt stay in the same line
also: navel, i suspect it is too low
also: proportions: from the chin to the nipples is (although not 100% accurate) is a height of one heard, measure it
i am no expert, just a beginner in anatomy, so take my advice with a grain of salt if you want
That picky though and its a very nice bit of work.
Two other things that stand out to me:
1) His bandana could probably be a bit wider and/or sit a little lower. Looking at almost any official depiction of the character, his eyeballs just barely peek out from under the bandana which creates a really unique look. I think your model would feel more accurate if you got this detail just right (it would probably make him feel a little younger as well).
2) Even if you're going for a more realistically proportioned take on the character, I still feel you could make those deltoids a wee bit bigger and push the V-shape of his torso a little more. I think his build is missing a little something to make it feel really true to the character.
Nitpicking aside the sculpt looks fantastic. Love the overalls and boots, and his ponytail looks perfect.
in my haste to poste something in my spare 10 min`s at work i loaded a older ztool that i hadent fin sculpting around the torso hance the spazzy obliques etc i will post the latest version when i get a chance where i addresed this altho thair has been some things i hadent noticed a fresh pare of artist`s eye`s is always good.
Ged - jramauri - SveinY - nyx702 - CaSToRx7 - Thanks alot guys
SuperFranky :- you are completley right tbh in my haste in posting while i have a spare 10 min`s at work i loaded up a older ztool where i hadent finnished sculping around the obliques altho i cant belive i diddent notice when i took the screen grabs . altho i will look at the proportains of the chin to nipples thanks.
TigerGD :- Cheers i actualy wanted to do a older version of Alex am not so keep on his super young pretty boy looks and wanted to take him past that altho the lack of fat was at 1st a style choice to go more of thew capcom super chiseled look altho as i have gone on i seem to have steped away from that
and will need ot go over it and make it moer uniform style wise.
AdamRodgers :- Cheers thansk for that hopefuly it will be more addresed when i post my latest sculpt shots.
Jigsaw :- Yea adding on a few years to him was intenctional
Thanks again guys realy helpful stuff i will try to post my latest shot`s ( ill pay a little more attenction this time when i do ) an hopefuly i will of addressed alot of the mistakes with the model so i can then refine it and get it ready for a lower poly game version
I think Alex looks more like Layne Staley.
I can almost see the bandanna already.
As some mentioned before, your Lats/Obliques area looks a bit strange.
But your sculpt cloth sculpting is great as usual!
Here`s the pic
quickley painted a mask on in Zbrush to see him with his war paint on
but no am thinking he looks like a Pumped up Alice Cooper ? :P
as for the face maybe it`s a bit old and i could do with a revision as thairs a few things am not happy with anyway lips etc but ill keep haveing a stab at it when i get a chance hopefuly things will die down abit at work soon
Again thanks for the feedback realy useful stuff.
something like that:
here`s a few close up`s to relay show my mistakes lol
I also did a very quick paint over to see a very ruff colour one
Cheers again
and in your sculpt they reside too low on the body, but they should be no lower than an 8 rib
other thing: there is no visible difference among rectus abdominis and xiphoid process, you made it look like a single mass
Figured i would give him some one to play with
as he looked a little sad ..
Ryu is still at a pretty ruff stage etc and very badly posed with out refining the pose after a quick transpose in Zeddy.
It`s to depict the Grudge match between these two as it was meant to be Alex as the main character in SF3
but due to popular demand Ryu was back to retain the crown.
as always please crit away and i will continue to endeavor wit hall the anatomy fixes etc .. one day i will Finnish this piece .. maybe :P
and one more before some one else get`s their
see what you think
Can't be arsed to type it all out again so here's the short version:
Ryu looks pretty good so far, but it bothers me how caucasian he looks. I think you got the major shapes of his face mostly right, but he still needs a bit of tweaking IMO. Ryu's gloves look completely useless - the protective padding needs to cover his knuckles. His hair needs to be a bit messier too, I think. It's a bit too milquetoast for a badass karate hobo right now.
That's the gist of my crits. There are some details holding your Ryu back but you're off to a great start for sure. I think you nailed his physique, and I like what you're doing with his outfit.
Looking forward to future updates!
OrganizedChaos - thanks man yea eventual I'll do a lowpoly but am waaaay off from that at the moment
Jigsaw - cheers for makeing the offort to feedback twice dude
Cheers again for the feedback