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RETOPO QUESTION about retopoing assymetrical faces

polycounter lvl 6
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manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
I am doing a Christian Bale character and I am at the retopo stage right now. I'm doing the head and I'm stuck on one issue. When I was sculpting Christian Bale I wanted to make it exactly like Christian Bale. I sculpted the eyes differently from each other. So my question is when I retopo the one half of the face and it's time to use the symmetry modifier would I have to modify the other side because the eye is slightly different than the other side?

In other words how would I retopo "two face" (batman villian)? Or does it ultimately depend on how much of a difference the two sides of the face really are?


  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    It's usually easier to have the same topology on both sides, but not necessarily the same shape.
    I usually just retopo one side, then use symmetry, and then go in and re-snap all the points of the other side to the hipoly head to preserve the asymmetry (obviously this is easiest in apps like 3D-Coat or Topogun that have brush based snapping etc.)
  • Mark Dygert
    At work we use morph targets so topology must be identical on both sides of the face if we are to mirror morph data from one side to the other. HOWEVER this does not mean we can't have asymmetry. We use a plug-in called Transmographier that allows you to work symmetrically but you can also add in a "asymmetry" shape and it will allow you to keep working symmetrically even though the verts are no longer identical.

    Transmographier also allows for easy (realtime) mirroring, flipping and resetting. So doing a morph for one side (Left eye blink, left smirk ect...) allows you to see it and flip it to the other side even if the other side is shaped differently.

    I honestly couldn't do my job without it. Well I could but it would take a lot longer, be more frustrating and I couldn't use half of the tricks that it lets me use.
  • Dylan Brady
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    Dylan Brady polycounter lvl 9
    Just from a retopo standpoint, if you're using Topogun, the create symmetry button will mirror your topology over and attempt to match it with the surface of your refference mesh automatically.
    sometimes needs some tweaking but for what your talking about its the best tool out there imo
  • Froyok
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    Froyok greentooth
    Just from a retopo standpoint, if you're using Topogun, the create symmetry button will mirror your topology over and attempt to match it with the surface of your refference mesh automatically.
    sometimes needs some tweaking but for what your talking about its the best tool out there imo

    I'm doing the same thing in Maya, but I use the Transfert Attribute tool to re-snap the point. :)
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