Hi guys, I'm new to this place so if posting maps here is heresy, call me bad names etc. It's not entirely clear to me the distinction, except in a really basic brush based editor like source, which I've used in the past. Maybe it's an interesting topic.
This is a remake of a famous NS1 map Veil (sort of the De_Dust2 of Natural Selection) in a new engine, it's included officially in Natural Selection 2.
(Map Shots)

(Official Video)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=re9sqgeWFDM&feature=player_embedded"]NS2 | Exosuit Reveal Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
This is more than just my map, it's also an Exosuit reveal
(Official Shots)
Some gameplay shots
Much thanks to the talented, inspiring, brilliant team at Unknown Worlds Entertainment. (You know who you are!)
Visit them at
Yes, Spark is a highly-moddable engine developed entirely by Unknown Worlds Entertainment for our game. You can read more at
but the bottom line for me is, it's a pretty impressive engine for an indie dev (even moreso when you consider it's almost entirely the baby of one man, the lead programmer Max)