Hello guys,
I am stuck with something pretty silly,
Thing is , I want to get a tiling texture on a tree mesh, but
I have no idea how I need to lay out the UV for that.
(only the wood part now, no leaves)
Speedtree manages to tile one simple tiling texture over the whole treestump, so you basically have a 512x512 all over the stump, like 20 times, instead of having one single 512 which is "fixed" on the stump.
And now, I want to do the same, just make a wood texture repeat itself on the mesh within udk. I just dont know if I need to set up the mesh in maya for it, or set up the material in UDK for it (and i dont know how to do it in UDK) or both ?
Its something very simple, but I never did something like that, has anyone something for me ?
The trees from speedtree have straighten uvs. Same as Maya's paint effects trees. And they have a LOT of customization.
I don't have any tutorials in hands, but try looking for paint effects trees, and then convert them to polys, you will have your uvs and mesh done for you, and you can choose resolution as well while converting.
Obviously your tree might be longer, but this demonstrates the concept.
If you want it to tile more, you can alter the texture2d node to affect the amount in tiling.
To do this in UDK you want to multiply some number before it goes into a texture coordinate node.