Hello all,
I want to try and establish a more solid and professional look online.
The links speak for themselves... I've tried to keep my Show Reel and portfolio all in line with one other.
One issue I already know about is Im missing the footer on the home page but that will be fixed!
Be great to know what you all think!
I hope these tips help you. Your work is quite fantastic.
Keep it up!
Hope this helps!
The camera could do with improvement I do agree as I am still a rookie when it comes to matinee. I'll try and iron that out at some point. The next step is to start something new as I'm starting to get burnt out by this scene. Just got back to liking the actual film again too after going off it from the endless reference watching! So I'll return to the fixes once I'm fully charged again.
Not the first time I've heard that comment about the floor so I need make that a little brighter. I've heard about this colour grading feature in UDK before and I really need to look in to it a bit more. I'm going to start something fresh for now as I've worn it all out for now but I will return and improve it.
I feel I need to do something a little less sci-fi now for the portfolio!
Thanks again for all your feedback and kind words.