Hi everyone,
I've been working in the game industry for one year and a half. Now the game has shipped, I'd like to share some of the work I did with you. :-)

This is a light human female light armor called Profane. Our character lead Aaron Cober created the face and body.
Hair is created by Youngji Lee. I modeled and textured the armor.

This is another light female armor.
The concept is done by Hyojin Ahn. Face is created by Aaron Coberly and hair is made by Danny Yeo. I modeled and textured the armor.

This is the male version of the Profane armor.
Face and hair are created by Aaron Coberly. I re-concept the armor based on the Guild Wars 1 version, modeled and textured the armor.

This is a remake of the Dwarf from Guild Wars 1.
everything is on a 1k texture map.
It has been made into a stone statue so it won't look like this in the game.

An early project that I made shortly after I started working on Guild Wars 2. Kekai Kotaki did the concept.
Everything including face, body and hair is on a 1k texture map.
All the screenshots are captured within ArenaNet's proprietary Assets viewing tool.
I'm very excited about the launching of Guild Wars 2 and hopefully everyone will have fun playing it! :-)
Updated with some more screenshots of highpoly model

Here is a zbrush bpr render of an creature that I made for Guild Wars 2. Concept design was done by Kekai Kotaki.

Another creature that I made for Guild Wars 2. Concept design was done by Kekai Kotaki.
Really nice work dude.
I especially love the red and black armor chick...oOo la la.
Nice work you lucky dog
EDIT: Would be cool to see some kinda Guild Wars 2 Art dump
the last monster with mouth belly thing is fantastic
thanks for sharing man
Although I do make hairs, the hairs in these images were not made by me.