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Space Dive, 2030

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ysalex interpolator
Working on a new piece. I have permission from the original concept artist to try and make a gameres character for my portfolio.

The artists name is Saiful Haque. The concept and the rest of his art is amazing and fun.

A plug to his behance portfolio:

Here is the concept:


The basemesh I made (from level zero silo baseman with shoes), to work her out. Head is split from old anatomy practice:


And here is where I am at so far:

Trying to mimic the concept faces more masculine features:


  • EggplantNinja
    I love the balance on her face. Not just the symmetry obviously but the positioning. Maybe her inner brow could scoop down a bit like the original image. Make her slightly more mischievous :D

    Great work so far!
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    Interesting concept to work on! :)

    I think you might have to make her legs a little longer to hit the concept? ..and for some reason I keep seeing the same head on all of your models, but maybe I'm prejudiced now ;)
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Hi captn, yes this is an old head model, a riff on one I did for anatomy practice (see my anatomy practice thread), but I've never used it on any real time model or anything else I posted here. The body is from scratch.
  • BenHenry
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    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    I love this, agreed with everyone else, the head looks amazing.
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Thanks Ben, but I don't think everyone said that.

    Here is some work on the head cover. Not sure if I will do a covered up version like this, or give her hair like in the posed concept art, so just exploring.

    As always, rightful attribution to the concept goes to the talented Saiful Haque.

  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    is all that hair supposed to be inside the cover thing, or is it a version for a different haircut? cos on your model back of the head sticks out way too much, it looks like it has something there besides the skull.

    as for head, i think the nose is more pointy on concept from first post, and perhaps jaw should be slightly pushed forward as well.
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Thanks balasoid, good points. The head cover is just me following a seperate concept sketch.
  • danpaz3d
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    danpaz3d polycounter lvl 7
    That concept is sick!
    I think your well on your way. Great work on the face/head.

    Only some crits about the right leg.
    -Make the support a bit thicker (just a bit).

    -Smooth out the angle on the back support so it's a bit more similar to the front one. As below-


    Thats it!
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Thanks Danpaz. I'm in both agreement and disagreement with you. I like the idea of symmetry and I think it would read well, but I also love the original line (which is just a bit more shallow than what I have, I realize that.) I will try to strike a balance, maybe get closer to the concept (less exaggerated).

    basic updates:


  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Updates. Haven't worked out the head yet, but I wanted to do some texture work so I saved some UV space and skipped ahead. I am going to divide the texture into two 1024 texture. The Body and Head in the first, and all the equipment in the second (the fans, the engine, the gauges, the helmet and the long scarf etc.

    EDIT: I forgot too add that it is 2500 tris so far. I am aiming for 4500 tris.

    So, here is the suit without the head.


  • Aga22
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    Aga22 polycounter lvl 12
    amazing texture, and amazing modelling dude!
  • jackalope
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    jackalope polycounter lvl 11
    I really like this character. Good work. The only thing that bugs me is that it looks like she is wearing a thong on the outside of her uniform.
    I'm looking forward to you finishing her. Keep it up!
  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    Wow, this looks awesome. The body looks very realistic. I do agree with jackalope though, the thong on the outside is a tad odd and sticks out quite a bit.
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Thanks you both. I added it in to make the torso more visually completed. The character feels a little stale without a focus point in the middle, especially with all the vertical lines running around her, but you're both correct that it reads like a thong, which is something maybe beneath an olympic athlete uniform design. I'll see what else I can do.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    nice work! but the same face again? One could call it style but i think you should really expand your repertoire on female faces, the last few have been pretty much the same with minor differences
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    I'm holding off on the head, trying to use more specific references to beat my 'style'.

    At any rate, I'm not really sure it's actually a style, but more of just habitual way of seeing things (incorrectly). It's a block I need to get past.

    My goal is to learn a wider range of features etc. by working from references for awhile, and to stop doing face sculpts from memory until I get a bit more diverse. I will update the thread with her face when I feel like I've got something to show for myself.

    In the meantime, I really want to do some texturing and a mix of hard/organic modeling, so I'm pushing forward with the rest of this. I have UV space saved for the head, and I'll add it when it's done.

    You do great work, by the way. I saved your comicon girl and some of your settlers 7 pieces saved to my inspiration folder awhile back.
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    Agreed with all points above, but also wanted to add that your texturing looks very nice!
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Worked up a head. Based entirely on references from one actress & tried my best to override my habits. Critiques appreciated. Extra points if you can guess the actress.

  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator

    Again, feel free to guess the actress.
  • dannedadon
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    dannedadon polycounter lvl 11
    that twilight chick! stewart something! looks cool, love the body sculpt/texture
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    I'm reviving this project. I've gone back to the basemesh, and used it to do an anatomy study of the physique I want the finished woman to have. This is completely based off of that basemesh, except that I cut the hands and head off, and will be redoing the topo on those. My wife asked me to turn her head from the portrait project I did into a game head, so I might use that. I'm not sure yet.

    So, here's the new body:

  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    The prosthetic leg really only looks good from a front angle, I'd suggest breaking from the concept a bit and find a flowing curve that looks good from every angle. It just doesn't look balanced and doesn't flow well from side views.
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Thanks Zac, I agree with you. I love the shapes from the front, back and side, but unfortunately when you view it from the 3/4rths, the shape opens up into something looking a little messy. I'll work on it.
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Material test. Don't feel like I'm getting the weight of the creases and fabric bunching right yet, going to try them a bit deeper in places.

  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Sorry for the second post, did some detailing and now going to give it a break for the night.

  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Hair, I figure I could go one of three ways:

    1 - Inline with the concept. Obvious pro is that it helps deliver the look of the concept easier. Con is that the hair works in the concept because the woman has darker features and a more ethnic look, so the dark contrast and straight hair works well for her. On my model it might look a bit dull.

    2 - Something traditional for russian olympians. I might use a more traditional style that a female gymnast might wear. Have to look this up. Pro is that it will seem perhaps more authentic, and deliver the 'olympic' look that the concept art has going for it. Con is that it's not so much inline with the concept, and could detract from getting the same mood across.

    3 - The mass around her neck is the bunching of the suit because her hood is pulled down. I could skip hair, and just have the suit pulled over her like a hood. Con is that this could be really boring. Major pro is that it's easier, and another major pro is that I intend to do a gameres version with full helmet and jet-pack atrire, and for this I will have to do a version where the hood is up anyway.

    let me know what you think, not sold on any other them yet.

    Updates. ZacD I agree with you. I've tried to find a balance here. I think the ankle still feels a little high, but I think I managed to tighten everything down so that the gap doesn't seem to open so wide from the side and three quarters view. I like it more. The bottom image shows pretty much all the major viewing angles.


  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Prelim with helmet. Don't really like it too much. Opinions?

  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator

    Much happier with the shapes of the helmet.

  • cupsster
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    cupsster polycounter lvl 11
    wow, nice concept you have on first pic and it is going there.. :)
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    the materials and skin are reading really well. Overall it looks awesome, Great job on this!
  • MrNinjutsu
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    MrNinjutsu greentooth
    Looking great ysalex, I reflect what brad says.

    Keep it up man!
  • spiderDude
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    spiderDude polycounter lvl 13
    I like her petite athletic build, you nailed that anatomy!
  • jjsuperspy
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    jjsuperspy polycounter lvl 8
    looking good man loving it :) keep up the good AWESOME work :D
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Thanks everyone, much appreciated.

    Modeled the pack tonight. Tried to make it all one subdiv surface. The bottom was more of a mindfuck than I could have thought. Took forever.


  • Thermidor
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    Thermidor polycounter lvl 18
    love this , looks awesome!
  • jackalope
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    jackalope polycounter lvl 11
    The pack looks really nice. I can imagine how difficult that would be.
    I am loving the progress you are making with this.
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Finishing texture on the pack. Then on to helmet, then gloves, then something else I'm sure.

  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Pretty much done with the high-poly:

  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    spiderDude wrote: »
    I like her petite athletic build, you nailed that anatomy!

    man i really have to disagree :(
    while i think the body and head do look great, how tall is she supposed to be? Right now she is almost like 9 heads tall, which is like ultra large for a girl - don't get me wrong she is looking sweet so it doesn't really matter if she is supposed to be pretty tall, but its definitely not what i would call petite :)
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Thanks Neox. She's about 8.25 heads tall. Your Airborn stuff is super insipiring by the way, keeping a watch on it like all of polycount I'm sure.

    Anyways, for those coming from the WAYWO thread, here is a super crude image of what I was talking about:

  • toolpaddz
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    toolpaddz polycounter lvl 10
    I have to agree with Neox, the head seems to small for me. Also, the arms are too long by about half a hand.
  • Zwebbie
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    Zwebbie polycounter lvl 18
    I really like this project; it's a very good choice of concept and while you're overdoing her height a bit for my tastes, the modeling looks excellent to me.

    I don't think I've seen this mentioned before — why did you change her ethnicity from the concept? Considering the whole suit is patterned with arabesques and lines remniscient of the arabic alphabet, it's odd to see her turned blonde.
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Zwebbie, I love the concept too. Saiful does amazing work and he's been super nice, providing me with a couple extra ortho concepts for some of the more difficult parts, namely the artificial leg and foot.

    As for the blonde thing, blame my wife. I used a portrait of her as practice learning to render in mental ray last month. After I was done she asked me if I would make her a 'hero game character'. So I said yes, since she'd been so nice about letting me take references photos of her and generally mess up her perfectly nice and pretty face doing a sub-standard CG portait that makes her look like a leather mannequin.

    Portait: http://i.imgur.com/QfVonl3.jpg

    Anyways, so I've been meaning to redo this concept for a while after having given it a half-hearted try about a year ago, so I thought it fit pretty well.

    In the end, I'm thinking I will change the color scheme (easy to do since it's all layered in photoshop), change the letters on her leg to russian, and do a russian version of the persian character. It's the olympics, so there's got to be a lot of countries participating.
  • Felixenfeu
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    Felixenfeu polycounter lvl 10
    Wow, this is really great, you really are getting better. Good thing you reused that bust from your wife/girlfriend (if i remember correctly), it really fits with the concept.
  • mr_ace
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    mr_ace polycounter lvl 9
    hey man, i guess someone pointed out the arm angle in the waywo, it stood out to me too, and it is definatley wrong, the problem is the side view. the human arm is straight, and only bends on 1 axis, so if there is any bend at all, then it has to be the elbow going out, therefore, if there is a bend on the front perspective there has to be a bend in the side view also. your model has perfectly straight arms in the side view, but a bend in the front view. this is not possible, you can only bend your elbow in 1 place and in 1 direction.

    to test this, put your arm in the position you've illustrated in your photos and your model, then turn and look side on in a mirror, and you'll see it is not straight. you've got to either straighten it in the front view, or bend it in the side view

    the only other thing that stands out to me is that jetpack thing, the parts that rest on her shoulders would completely restrict her arm movement
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Not trying to be defensive, but I did get in this position and I did check the motion, and there is nothing Wrong with the movement. The arm is straight from the side because her shoulder has moved to face the main mass of the bicep to face away from her body.

    Check the references I posted and also the scanned model I posted in the waywo.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    There is nothing wrong with the arm, it just looks weird because nobody poses like that. If you look at the muscle and bone information, it reads correctly.

    You can try looking up some Synchronized swimmers, Snow shooters, Ribbon gymnasts, or any other sport that has the petite female body contorting in weird ways, and you will get what you get like that.

    My only concern is a technical one. How do you plan on the low-poly for the arm? Is it going to be a straight cylinder down, or are you going for the twisted (spiral) topology, which some people do to fake muscle pull in games like ME?

    The reason I'm asking this is because I made the mistake of having a twisted spiral topology for a characters body of mine which way too low, which ended up being a nightmare since I had to constantly fight the shading information and manually fix parts with Morph targets.

    If you LP isn't going to be the sub-teens for the body alone, then I don't see any issues with rigging. Just throwing this out there so you can plan ahead if need be.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Indeed the arm silhouette can work - but what's wrong is the surface location of the elbow. Posed like that, it should be on the interior.

    Here is a way for you to test out the overall read of that area : simply hide the elbows with your fingers or thumbs, keep them on the screen for about 5 seconds (enough for the brain to fill in the gaps), then take themm off. You will instantly spot the oddities that have been bugging people :)

    Like this :


    (great job on her tho - and a good concept pick too, certainly standing out of the ordinary pack of CG characters!)
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    edit* everyone beat me to it haha

    you've got it spot on Ysalex but from a rigging stand point its not a neutral position. the arm is alot more complex than people think when you start working with shoulder rolls and forearm twists. At the moment she has an outwards shoulder roll which although the arm is straight it gives the illusion of an outward bend due to the muscle definition. If you notice in those refs you put up the elbow is towards the body aswell.

    Heres a ham fisted paintover of me in my PJs :) A is anatomically correct but riggers will punch you as its in an extreme/final pose, B is in a more neutral and easier to work with pose.


    Its completely upto you where you go, it might be good practice to roll the shoulder slightly and adjust the wrist for rigging, but again its not wrong at all what you have :) rigging a few of your own characters can sometimes really help finding out these issues aswell. hope that made sense haha

    BTW shes looking great, agree with Neox's feedback, enlarging the head may help but I quite like the elongated proportions you have haha
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Okay, so lots of replies. Didn't mean to start a thing here.

    At any rate, here is what I was thinking and what I'm taking away:

    I modeled her in that pose because it had a pleasing kind of Contrapposto (might be the wrong use of that word, but I think people will get the idea). I tend to do this.

    I recognize that it's not a great habit for finalizing a model, since it puts an extra kink in the rigging process, so I suppose I let it stay for a little too long. If/when I do continue to model with this kind of kinked anatomy, I'll make sure to take it out before I reach final, to make things easier on me and other people.

    Anyways, thank you a ton everyone, crazyfool for taking the time to take pictures, pior for the trick (never thought about it for some reason), and Ace-Angel for the advice. I haven't really decided how low/high poly it will be yet, so I'm going to change the pose before I go into baking and retopo.

    EDIT: Pior, I guess you took a picture too, I don't know how I thought you did that trick with your fingers and a screen-capture. Thanks.
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