Overall you just need to have a better understanding of anatomy. Just with the female alone her upper torso looks scaled too big, her hips aren't wide enough, her breasts look fake (dare I say even unnatural for even someone with implants), the abdominals don't look right and so on.
Look at more reference, study anatomy, and even load up generic female meshes and study their topology and shapes.
Even concerning exagerated proportions (my current team and I are working on a game with the exact same style), the upper body looks too large and the hips look too small. If you could balance the two it would look much better. And a I don't know what direction your going for, either the sexy ranger or the mysterious ranger, but a cloak would really help give her a greater sense of mystery, being as rangers are typically pretty shadowy folk. But if your going for a less mysterious character then your on the right track!
Look at more reference, study anatomy, and even load up generic female meshes and study their topology and shapes.
Sex confusion/