Hi Everyone,
i started modelling a few weeks ago and here is my first model that i want to show here. I know its not perfect, especalialy the tires suck
But i´m trying to get a workflow and just wanted to know what you think of the Vespa.
It has ~3600 tris and is done with maya and photoshop.
The Rims are Highpoly and i transfered them to a flat texture.
I repainted the ambient occlusion map and multiplied it on the texture at 100% value.
I´m new to modelling so i only took a Screenshot out of maya, next time i try to do an ingame shot or higher res rendering.
This is a Photobased/repainted texture for the scene.
Hope you like it
Edit: I forgot to upload this one !
And I think stripe on the seat could be removed and added as to the seat texture.
Tile floor texture looks great!