Hello lovely community, this is the kind of post where I wish to hear where do you get inspiration to keep going, it's just that I have many doubts I had the passion when I started my so called Digital Art Career in the School but now it seems it had fade away (correct me if i have grammar mistakes:)) I am learning little and with so many homework of Courses that doesn't even have to do with creativity I watch as my dream of becoming a 3D Environment Artist for Games is going away... I don't know right now I am very afraid of my future. I am in a point where every desition will have a great impact as in 1 and a Half year I am graduating from school. I can't find the inspiration to keep going and I wonder if I made a colossal mistake and as an effect I lack Discipline, please help Where Does Inspiration Resides? I will have to search for my passion again in the deeps of my heart
In a conveniently titled and stickied thread.
John Cleese
Or as someone smarter than me said:
just don't get these threads
I get inspiration from books, movies, music (it can be a feeling/lyrics) conversations, people, games, nature literally everything and anything can trigger inspiration.
One thing I like to do is drawing for the sake of drawing and be surprised what comes out of it. For example, right now i have a course I follow (nothing to do with art) on tuesday and friday morning. Now with the nice weather and all I like to go and sit at my favorite cafe after the course and draw.
I can give an example from one of my latest inspirations. I was playing dark souls recently, theres a part int he game where theres some awesome silly mushroom creatures. I was so impressed with how they where made. So, these guys stuck in teh back of my mind.
Now on the terras of this cafe they have these huge parasols, and while I'm there drinking coffee, kinda randomly doodeling in my sketchbook, I see this guy on this very tall stepladder working on the parasol, pretty much dissapearing from the waist up into the parasol.
The result on paper with both inspirations combined?
Now in this case it was pretty clear for me what I was inspired by, but so many times I have no idea where the stuff i make comes from. All I know is that is stuff that I picked up somewhere and it comes out filtered.
So, do things, read things, watch things, let your mind wander. Doodle and eventually something will come out