Hi everyone ! This is my first thread here on Polycount

I just finished my end of year project (at
http://www.infographie-sup.be/en/ ) and I wanted to share it with you guys. The map is based on this miniature
This is the same project as Diruengurei's one.
I didn't put everything i wanted to in it, because time was running out, but i'm still proud of what I've done.
I know it could be greatly improved and that's why I'm asking you what you think about it and what would be your advices ?
That would be much appreciated

And my character (the first i've made from the sculpting to the skinning):

I hope you'll like it

The lighting is really cool
I would put some lanterns on that sucker, and light it up (mainly on the shadowed side).
Indeed the grass is very flat, i will rework the texture, same for the rocks. Looking back at the shots I think it may need some more contrast too. I'll try to fix that