A few days ago I thought up of something and decided to draft up this idea. Hey, it looked pretty nice with maps and all of how the place was going to be. Decided to draw some close up shots of several objects and a bunch of drawings and redrawings of my idea. I was satisfied, but now I did start on translating this idea from paper to 3D. This is what I have to show for it so far. It definitely still needs work that's for sure.

What's going on in this render?
The tables by the chairs on the left side do not have legs because they are simply glass pieces just hanging from the wall.
The back side of the bar... still deciding what needs to go on the top shelf.
This dark frame is actually the camera sitting in a hallway peering in to the cantina.
That corner in the back is actually a corner booth with a television hanging from a table pedestal thing.
Good luck with your project!
Texture work isn't the best, but it is definitely getting there. Also, I'm not too sure what happened on top of the building. I'm assuming there miay have been a small gap between the two roof components. Cheers!