Hey everyone!! So I've decided to tackle my first weapon project. I have honestly been somewhat afraid of modeling a gun... But here it is! It is based on a concept from a game called Intersteller Marines. Loved the concept, so here is my progress. This is the high poly render, as well as an isoline shot.
I will be adding a lot of other detail in my normal map later with nDo, so I have left out a few parts that just would have taken too long to model out. However, I might try some floaters if I'm not happy with the result. Anyways, all thoughts and commments are welcome!!

I hope you dont mind me asking, but are there any specific tutorials that you wouldn't mind sharing? I've given sub division modeling a try and it's pretty fun, but I'm not very good at it. I used that ithica shotgun tutorial by one of the users on here, which is fantastic, but I feel like more tutorials would be beneficial.
1. The front shape there isn't looking like the perspective hot. you've got that horizontal shape where it should be a nice bevel. The height seems a bit off as well.
2. Missing the circular shape. Also the the top rail should be skinnier than the bit where it attaches.
3. You have a rectangular shape here, where in the reference its more square
4. The size and spacing of these is off, and the circular bits are missing.
5. This area is completely off. It should be pretty much the same attachment shape as the area if front of it.
6. I'm not reading an intended shape there from the concept at all. It may have a very slight extruded border, but the full shape still needs more width.
7. This seems to be a more raped shape like up by the trigger.
8. Should be going forward, not backward.
9. Cylindrical shape is missing entirely
10. indent is also missing.
I would say model those missing shapes out as floaters. Yeah, the final game ready model is whats important, but a really accurate, detailed, and sexy HP model is good for portfolio stuffs. Overall you're off to a great start. I would relaxed you're control loops on a lot of those edges though. At the moment its looking very crisp and hard edged.
*edit* Dunno what happened there here's the fixed attachment
(A little bit of shameless self promotion for the company I'm workin for
Hope these help!!
Who cares about the nit picky details that maybe be missing or different from the concept, that doesn't matter. Only matters if you're told to by your boss, which since this is personal work, you are not. Long as you source the concept art on you page, and say you made a rifle based said concept, you're fine. Now make this thing some nice clothes.
Also, for sure relax some of those supporting loops, and as far as tri count, shoot for between 6 and 8k tris for them "next gen" standards
@brad: you are the man. that is all.