Hey there,
I got a little noobish problem while creating a low-poly(10-20k Polys) jacket simiular to this :
I dont get the collar right, because I have to drag the inside out, I dont know if two-sided material is the right choice, it looks odd and i dont even know if it can be importet into any engine.
Can anyone help me , how to do this the best way?
(i am using 3ds max 2010)
I just made a really simple body and copied it to get something to start with, thats how far as i am.
I am very new to modeling and just got far enough to make "ok" looking heads and hands and stuff, but when it comes to clothes i really need some help.
I would say: try it.. show how it looks and we can help you a lot better.
So far I can only say: try it first.
As for your problem, without shots of your progress it's a little difficult to give any specific response but I would assume that you're over-thinking this task, massively.
Take a look at games that might be using similar assets... Mafia 2? L.A Noire? Alan Wake? Heavy Rain? Fallout 3: New Vegas? I don't know, any game that spent a fair amount of time on character clothing. Fighting games might make the top of that list actually.
If you absolutely cannot grapple with it polymodelling, you could always sculpt up the form in zbrush and then retopo it.
Sorry, maybe i didnt got this straight enough, 10-20k for the entire character not just the jacket.
And here is some problem I have with double-sided material :
(Its just for testing, its not shaped right , actually it looks more like a shirt)
It looks odd mostly because of the lack of thickness.
If I take a look at this:
I dont really now how they managed that jacket to look so good and with just the right thickness.
On the other hand, if you want to be really cheap, just detach the parts of the model that you want have thickness and apply a shell modifier, then either bend the normals of the said parts (so that they will blend with the rest of the jacket) OR if that is too complicated, just model some clever things to close the seams then between the thick parts and the flat parts, like zippers, paddings, etc.