Hi guys,
Thanks for reading my thread. This is the first post in which I've uploaded to Polycount for all the harsh criticism :P. I appreciate any feedback as it improves me as an artist!
I've currently just finished my second year at University, and return to my final year shortly; this piece is a character for my final project which I started early to ensure everything is to its highest standard

The Character is intended to be exploring an extremely run down and destroyed city that has been evacuated from potential disease. (Stereotypical Post Apocalyptic Setting)
Research Mood Board:

Final Character Concept: (By George Munteanu)

Final Base Mesh: (Created By Myself)

Researched anatomy a lot whilst creating this base mesh, and gained alot of insight from the "Hazard Course Character" Threads, especially rogue - despite it being female so thank you

- About to start sculpting, so any necessary updates to the base mesh from crits would be appreciated!
I checked George's portfolio, it's really impressive, but he is a professionnal right ? Not one of your classmate ?
I just say that because in my school it's totally prohibed to use concepts made by professionnals for our final project, we have to do everything by ourselves, because the school owns 50% of the rights, and we own 50%. If the school want to show your work in public, they can't do it if you used others works, you don't have the rights. There is a lot of legal stuff. But maybe it's not the same in you school.
Anyway, for your model, the neck is wrong ( he desn't have a neck in fact, just trapezes ^^ ), the arms are too short, the legs looks strange, the ears are too high and not big enough... hmmm all the head is wrong in fact, bad proportions.
I suggest you take a pic of a man looking like the character you want to do, a naked man, front/profile/back, and just put it in background when you modelize, at least you will have correct proportions. If you try to to a naked basemash based on the concept, it will be wrong because the clothes change your perception of the body.
You know, like this ^^ :
As much I understand the section about concept; the proportions match exactly to this reference found on the polycount wiki;
If you look at my concept (first image, where the character is naked, - where his hands end, and my hands end; is the same place) - the arms length are again ending the same place.
I will however, look at the neck and wrists as at the moment I feel these needs improving;
If you could show some reference that match mine to backup your points it would be GREATLY appreciated
Consider relaxing his shoulders too so they are not so straight across and stiff. It looks unnatural.
Here is the reference to back up these points (it's one you linked to):
As you can see, if you match up the arms appropriately, they are not the same.
I'll also say that since both of those main proportion references are drawings, you should cross reference them with photos. George's concept showing proportions looks even a little bit different from his other images below it, I wouldn't use it as a "perfect" proportion reference. As seen in that image of Brendan Fraser, usually the elbow goes down and can hit the lower most ribs (or even the top hip, depending) when at a resting position. Assuming you keep the position of your arms the same on your base mesh, I'd lower your elbow a bit, and then lengthen your forearm to give your wrists a resting position around or right above the lower hip. Take that opportunity to fix your wrists a bit and you've got my main crits out of the way.
Thank you,
I'll make a move on the arms now. I'll even define the elbow abit more. I didnt realise it didn't match up any more apologies if I came across stubborn!!
If anyone else has anything to crit then please so! I'm still learning the basics unlike you pros!
- If anyone could mention my face proportions that would be great, I feel theyre fine, the reference I've put it up against matches it well; but others are saying otherwise!
Let me know
Made changes to overall model, fixed proportions of the arms and hands. Added more edges around the knees to enhance the kneecap. Removed a edge loop on the face to spread out the loops; and then enhanced the chin more.
Made some changes to the facial proportions. Fixing the nostril size, and evening out the topology. made the bridge come out further and rotated the ears in slightly.
Please crit it improves my skill and techniques as welll as my understanding of anatomy. If no more changes need to be made I'll start sculpting
After staring at my own mesh for 20 minutes, I feel the face is too round and will define the shape abit more.
Currently looking at different face structures in men; but again this is work that could be done in Zbrush!
Any Crits before I make any more changes!
Quick Update: Havent done much due to work!
Again any crits would be great!
The lips are rushed atm! I know their terrible i quickly blocked them in seconds! :P
What you should do is throw that bad boy into zbrush and start to give us some delicious details
Really cool concept and good luck!
I've been blocking out in zbrush; updated above! Cheers tho I believe my face isnt yet in proportion so I'm going to align it in photoshop with the concept now!!