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Anyone ever sold Texture Packs?

polycounter lvl 9
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MephistonX polycounter lvl 9
I'm just looking for information really,

I've already started to paint some tileable textures for a unity project of mine and decided that they may be ok to sell as a texture pack, so who's done it

any tips?

wheres the best place to sell from

i was thinking the unity asset store, but ive seen other options like the tornadotwins site etc... - good bad experiances of either



  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    A few guys here did, but in their own way, without really using a service per se, just through email and paypal.

    On the other hand, if you're going to sell something for Unity use the Store, no complications there.
  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    i'm just downloading unity at the moment with the exact same thing on mind. :)

    i also checked out turbosquid but there's mostly huge size photosourced textures on it, quite different from gamey stuff that i make.
    and i recall they take a big percent of earned money anyway.
  • S_ource
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    S_ource polycounter lvl 9
  • MephistonX
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    MephistonX polycounter lvl 9
    Ace-Angel wrote: »
    A few guys here did, but in their own way, without really using a service per se, just through email and paypal.

    On the other hand, if you're going to sell something for Unity use the Store, no complications there.

    im guessing those artists made bespoke textures for those people then ?
    Blaisoid wrote: »
    i'm just downloading unity at the moment with the exact same thing on mind. :)

    i also checked out turbosquid but there's mostly huge size photosourced textures on it, quite different from gamey stuff that i make.
    and i recall they take a big percent of earned money anyway.

    yer i had a look at turbosquid - its a lot better then when i last saw it but i think its not really for the handpainted style that i was going to go for

    unity asset story is looking to be the pro choice atm
    S_ource wrote: »
    You mean like this? http://bitgem3d.com/

    ah i hadnt seen 3docean - they may be worth a look - though it looks like if you sell something on there then you can only sell it on there -- hmm i will look through the t&c's

    Cheers for the replies guys,

    anyone else got any tips ?

    like are packs better than single textures or ?!
  • OriginLinear
    I have some textures over at the3dstudio.com. I get sales there every now and then but I only have a few things up there and I don't really market my stuff...

    the3dstudio.com takes 40% and they are non-exclusive. You are fine to sell elsewhere.

    The unity asset store is probably also a good place to sell, however I have not put anything up on the asset store to date. One of the drawbacks is that you are selling only to people who actually use unity3d engine. However, they do have a large user base.

    Using both, and perhaps others, is probably the better solution. Wider audience and all that jive...
  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    so i checked the unity store.
    when i heard about it i was under impression that it's like a big bazaar with lots of different folks selling stuff, but it turns out that allegorhytmic is pretty much dominating in the texture section.
    i saw just a few other packs that stand out, for example works of the gentleman that S_ource linked.

    unity store has no public statistics, sadly. the 3d ocean has them though, so it's possible to analyze some aspects of texture sales. but it's not game art related so i guess people like Bitgem have much more sales in places like unity store.
    (not to mention that for non exclusive assets you only get 33% on 3d ocean)

    in meanwhile, i found this:

    haven't read it yet.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    WTF, 30 bucks for 24 textures that are 512 pixels, look like Photos which have been 'filtered' or traced upon, and Normal Maps that look like default CB settings.

    No Specular or Gloss either, especially for planks which have different values for wood and bolts.

    You might as well giddy-up a little extra cash and buy nDo2, and auto-generate everything right off the bat from free textures, I mean understand that hand-painting textures ain't a cheap/easy job, but c'mon, two of the texture in the preview almost look the same.
  • OriginLinear
    The link in the second post of that thread is not Jimmy's work (Jimmy being the OP of that thread). It is mine actually, and they are almost a year and a half old. They are actually the very first hand painted textures I ever did.... I used Ndo (the first, free version) perhaps not very effectively however, this I agree with. And they are not traced or filtered, they are hand painted with my wacom in PS.

    I don't personally like them much either at this point, but they sell from time to time so I will leave them up, regardless what you or anybody else might think. :D I have become much better since, according to me anyway haha.
  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    heh, thumbnails are a bit small but honestly they don't look that bad.
    that is, besides the almost identical wooden floors, hasty looking normals and the horrible fx on the title.

    i mean filtered photos, seriously? can't you see the stylized stone shapes, stylized wood grains, stylized rooftile shapes?
    they don't seem any more traced than plenty of other handpainted textures out there.

    and it's not like tracing would even be a bad thing, environment artists also often "trace" photos of architecture, rocks and whatnot to make 3d modules out of them.

    OriginLinear, do you think it was worth spending time on making this pack?
    did you make it for practice, or was selling it your intention right from start?
  • OriginLinear
    Yeah, pretty much everything about that pack is second rate, but meh, I don't care about it anymore.

    One of the floor tiles has nails and seams at the the top and bottom ends, and the other does not. This being the difference. :)

    I made them initially as practice. I then posted my WIP's of the set on the unity forum and some people liked them so I decided I would see about selling them. Why the hell not eh?

    Of course it was worth the time. They were the first hand painted textures I ever did, I learned a lot working on them, and since then. Perhaps I would have gotten better results if I would have posted them here on PC for critique, but it is a bit late for that now....
  • Kurt Russell Fan Club
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    Kurt Russell Fan Club polycounter lvl 9
    I haven't, but a lot of textures I've made for free other people try to sell as texture packs :)

    Mostly for Second Life -- I have no idea how well they sell, but if you have enough content you might be able to produce a small, constant income.
  • MephistonX
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    MephistonX polycounter lvl 9
    long post sorry in advance,
    I have some textures over at the3dstudio.com. I get sales there every now and then but I only have a few things up there and I don't really market my stuff...
    the3dstudio.com takes 40% and they are non-exclusive. You are fine to sell elsewhere.
    The unity asset store is probably also a good place to sell, however I have not put anything up on the asset store to date. One of the drawbacks is that you are selling only to people who actually use unity3d engine. However, they do have a large user base.
    Using both, and perhaps others, is probably the better solution. Wider audience and all that jive...

    thats all I'm looking for really something that may bring in some cash every now and then - basically to cover my hosting costs for my portfolio (which isn't that much) but would be nice to cover.
    Blaisoid wrote: »
    so i checked the unity store.
    when i heard about it i was under impression that it's like a big bazaar with lots of different folks selling stuff, but it turns out that allegorhytmic is pretty much dominating in the texture section.
    i saw just a few other packs that stand out, for example works of the gentleman that S_ource linked.
    unity store has no public statistics, sadly. the 3d ocean has them though, so it's possible to analyze some aspects of texture sales. but it's not game art related so i guess people like Bitgem have much more sales in places like unity store.
    (not to mention that for non exclusive assets you only get 33% on 3d ocean)
    in meanwhile, i found this:
    haven't read it yet.

    Yep I've read through that thread, he has some pretty nice work but I dont have enough web experience to make my own shop - and it doesn't seem like he has got his shop to a point where its accepting other artists - when it does I may look into submitting some pieces
    Ace-Angel wrote: »
    WTF, 30 bucks for 24 textures that are 512 pixels, look like Photos which have been 'filtered' or traced upon, and Normal Maps that look like default CB settings.
    No Specular or Gloss either, especially for planks which have different values for wood and bolts.
    You might as well giddy-up a little extra cash and buy nDo2, and auto-generate everything right off the bat from free textures, I mean understand that hand-painting textures ain't a cheap/easy job, but c'mon, two of the texture in the preview almost look the same.

    so to sum this up - if your going to pay out for textures you expect them to have everything not just a diffuse and equally not just a simple generated normal map.

    my plan was to make a general diffuse then create various alts of it different levels of damage etc.. then create individual specular and normals for each of these - and if it calls for it maybe alpha and emmissive maps too
    Blaisoid wrote: »
    heh, thumbnails are a bit small but honestly they don't look that bad.
    that is, besides the almost identical wooden floors, hasty looking normals and the horrible fx on the title.
    i mean filtered photos, seriously? can't you see the stylized stone shapes, stylized wood grains, stylized rooftile shapes?
    they don't seem any more traced than plenty of other hand painted textures out there.
    and it's not like tracing would even be a bad thing, environment artists also often "trace" photos of architecture, rocks and whatnot to make 3d modules out of them.
    OriginLinear, do you think it was worth spending time on making this pack?
    did you make it for practice, or was selling it your intention right from start?

    this is another reason for me wanting to do this, ive seen a lot of 'stylised' & 'handpainted' textures and texture packs for sale that just look like a selection of crude photoshop filters probably applied using a simple action. I'm not a fan of the look, and i think anyone that is needs to experience some real hand painted textures and realise the value in them
    I haven't, but a lot of textures I've made for free other people try to sell as texture packs :)
    Mostly for Second Life -- I have no idea how well they sell, but if you have enough content you might be able to produce a small, constant income.

    to be honest i had never considered second life at all, is there much market in the game ? i have to admit to never playing it
  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    on the topic of resolutions, is there even any point in making standard hand painted environment textures in resolution higher than 512x512?
    i just made this 1024 texture and i can't see how a pseudo isometric or even a stylized tpp game could make use of such details. Especially games with lower budget that are more likely to use external texture packs.


    i have same doubts about normal and specular maps. is their usage in hand painted games common enough that you can make more money selling textures that have them than selling diffuse-only ones?
  • MephistonX
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    MephistonX polycounter lvl 9
    Blaisoid wrote: »
    on the topic of resolutions, is there even any point in making standard hand painted environment textures in resolution higher than 512x512?
    i just made this 1024 texture and i can't see how a pseudo isometric or even a stylized tpp game could make use of such details. Especially games with lower budget that are more likely to use external texture packs.
    i have same doubts about normal and specular maps. is their usage in hand painted games common enough that you can make more money selling textures that have them than selling diffuse-only ones?

    i guess the idea of having different sizes is that a lot of the people that would want to buy texture packs may not have the proficiancy to develop and optimize images at thier required file size

    also really liking the spec on that texture, is it a coloured spec or a coloured spot light ?
  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    it's mostly colored lights, but the final version of texture (as seen on render, the sheet below was wip) also has slightly blueish/greenish highlights.
  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid greentooth
    Texture packs aren't a quick buck.

    If you want something that people will buy you need to make a lot of high quality textures that fulfill a need that free textures just wont cut.

    One of my best friends sunk a good few months into making this http://dirtytexel.com/

    He probably made enough money out of it to cover the costs of his camera gear and a bit more. It certainly didn't cover the various plane tickets to the city's that he shot them in. (quite a few of them are textures made in america, and japan)

    It's worth the time if you want to do it. But at the end you gotta have something exceptional for me to want to lay down cash money.
  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator
    Muzz wrote: »
    One of my best friends sunk a good few months into making this http://dirtytexel.com/

    I was totally searching for this pack of textures but couldn't find the thread, and was about to come and ask in here if anyone could remember it, thanks!
  • MephistonX
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    MephistonX polycounter lvl 9
    i understand they are not a quick buck - but if i can potentially sell something that im doing for practice anyway -its a no loss situation

    anywho ive signed up to 3docean, submitted a texture with some alts and hopefully it will pass approval !
  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    Contact the owner of this site!

    I did awhile ago. I was going to give him my tiling hand painted textures but I think he's looking for more than just a few at a time.
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