Been working away on this thing for a few hours in the evenings for the last week or so and decided i may aswell make him into a full game character.
I want to make him some kind of warrior/hunter with a spear and light armor. I've been looking at a lot of samurai and aztech images and i think a mixture of those two styles of clothing would be a nice mix up for this guy. All the complicated layering and stitching of samurai armor combined with the patterns, symbols, feathers and animal themes of aztech gear.

Sculpt so far, playing about with some kind of colour scheme aswell, all the high freq alpha stuff is on a seperate layer that i can turn off, just slapped it on there to see how the forms mesh together with scales ontop. Still very rough all over.

He started off as a speed sculpt but using dynamesh and qremesher you can get a pretty clean basemesh out of anything now... here's a little timelapse i recorded of the initial blockout. I have videos saved of all the progress so far so i may upload them at the end if people are interested.
As usual, crits, comments and suggestions are more than welcome!
Will definately get some of those changes in there tomorrow though, cheers man!
Hey Ged, main ref for the nose is crocodile heads, so its a bit rounded, i might push the face around again soon as its lacking in any interesting angles/forms.
For the skin my main inspiration was the lizard skin demo from the new spiderman film
I kinda like how it's all saggy and adds some folds to otherwise less interesting areas. Considering doing a smooth version of him so i can blend between two normal maps to match the wrinkles to his final pose... not sure if i have time though
The wrinkles are well done but they don't fit the real life reference that your creature seems to be based on. Perhaps if you were to make this guy much older the wrinkles would work.