The textures are being blurred and I can't figure out how to fix it. I've tried a few things to try and un-blur them that I've found on the net, and the only thing that works is setting the Mip Gen Settings to "NoMipmaps". But NoMipmaps is a nono for in game.
Below are screens from the game showing different Mip gen settings. The camera is a SceneCapture2DActor and this is the TextureRenderTarget2D it's rendering to.
Only other thing I can think of is there's some sort of rendering bug between the cam and the texture... I know it had some trouble rendering post process effects.
Inside the game with a regular cam on a map the texture looks fine (Mip Gen is set to FromTextureGroup in that screen).
Any ideas? I really hope there's a solution and it's not a bug. I hate fugly textures. Thanks in advance!!