I saw a bunch of awesome concepts by Blaisoid from his portfolio page and decided to do one of them.
I had never done any high poly guns before so it went pretty slow only being able to work on it here and there.
I modeled in everything to challenge myself a bit, will use floaters next time.
Anyway I did a test bake (still need to fix some weird stuff going on with the ammo clip) but I am looking for any suggestions or critiques before I move onto texturing this badboy.
The polycount right now is 2118 and it is using a 2k map, but I think the details cound still hold up on a 1k.

I'm curious though, are you going to be texturing it with the same colours as in the concept? Because I think there's room to go a bit off the norm with the diffuse on this gun and if so you might want to take that opportunity.
and thanks for dropping a link to my page. it never hurts to have some publicity when you're unemployed.
Though if i knew that so many people would start modeling those guns i'd put more thought into their design.
one thing that stands out to me is various small normal map issues, most likely caused by stretched cage. it's a boring thing to do but i found that it usually pays off to spend extra time and manually adjust the vertices.
Yeh, the muzzle and the back of the gun have a bit of wavyness going on, and the ammo clip projection looks a bit skewed. I'll probably add a bit of geometry to sort that out.
There are a couple of other things that could get added to bring it closer to the concept too. There seems to be a little bit of grip material near where the palm would rest on the back of the handle in the concept. The back of the magazine looks like it has a little groove in it as well, like the side of the trigger guard.
Overall this is awesome! Can't wait to see more!
The 2 other spots you mentioned in the concept, I wasn't really sure whether they were like metal highlights or actual form and didn't know if they would read well, but I'll give them a try and see how they look.
Thanks for the comments though!
I'm not happy with the grip particularly the ligher grey part (though I'm not sure I had anything in mind for what the grip is mad of).
I'll probably leave this alone for the time being since I need to get cracking on my Papercut Showdown entry.
@Selaznog Thanks, I agree with you, it looks pretty standard issue right now :P
@Jessica Thanks, I edited the vertex normals on the large planar bits so I wouldn't have to much gradient in the normal map.
Here are my maps:
BTW: How did u manage to make such good renders in Maya?
My only complaint is that you could probably be a bit more efficient with the UV space by removing the black parts and mirroring UVs..
@Moosebish Thanks. I mirrored a decent amount of the geometry but wanted to avoid doing so on certain areas where the mirroring might be obvious (rorschach artifacts). You are right about the black parts though, my thinking was not to add more geometry, but in retrospect even cutting a single quad into the black part near the front of the gun would have freed up a quite a bit of texture space, so I will definitely keep that in mind for the future.