Hello polycount!
Well, first I'll introduce myself. I'm a high school student and I live in Spain. I started playing videogames when I was about 8-9 years old or so, when my father gifted me a PS2. After some time playing (about 5 years) I started to learn how to use photoshop, I was just messing around with it till it became a hobby. So I started to get interested in all about art, I also learned some basic stuff about video editing and started to love art.
So, one day I accidentally ran over a video of a level made in UDK, and I suddenly felt in love with it. I did some research and discovered it was made with UDK, a downloadable game engine and I decided to give it a try. And well, after that I started to become interested in environment art, I learned max and ZBrush and I started my first project

. So, well, this is my first project:
The idea when I started this project was to learn how to make good foliage and a broken-down environment. So, I decided to go for an overgrown environment. This is the concept art, it is done by me:

I've also made a doc with the progress and the workflow/problems, the general progress of the level for me to have, but if you want to take a look it is
here. Enough talking, now let's move on to the screenshots

This is what I have so far, the modular walls and the bridge:

They still need some more work but I'll leave them like this now, I will finish them when I'll have the foliage and all the assets. However, some critique and advice about what can be improved is welcome. Also, they don't have any specular maps beacause I'm kind of afraid of them, because of what I've tried so far it made 'em look like metal so I will implement them later, when I'll have the other assets.
Next step is making the tiling floor, that should be fun. So, what are your critiques and where/what do you think I should improve?
Noting on your fear of specular maps, its well placed, hopfully this can help you as it helped me: http://www.manufato.com/?p=902
@GabrielP: Thanks, I'll think about that, but when it will be covered with ivy I think it will look just fine. Also, thanks for that link, I've given it a look and it's amazing. I'll read it more in-depth when I'll make the spec maps.
@amile duan Almost there! That video was the inspiration for this level, but the video which I was talking before is this one: [ame="
@nathanbarrett: Thanks!
@blaisoid: Someone already told me that this piece lacks of a focal point but I couldn't put anything else because it would have destroyed the composition even more, however if I can make something intersting out of the rock in the right, maybe not a rock but something else, it could serve as a focal point..
So, what are your suggestions and your critiques of what I have so far?
Here is how it looks so far:
Next step is to make a shader for blending the grass with the ground, I think that one that allows me to paint moss in the ground will look fine..
Also,does anyone have an answer to this question? http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1658549#post1658549
and this is a rough paintover of what I'm planning to add next:
Make that wall look like concrete, not stone! Also you need to ease up that shadow on the left. It's way too dark and harsh.
Those plants are looking pretty good though, and I think you're going places with this. I would recommend you listen to these guys though and add some sort of focal point to bring the piece together.