Anyone know a node based planning program where you can quickly make nodes with text/images in them, and drag relations to other nodes? I was looking at the nodes in UDK and found it so much easier for me to gather my thoughts by using it, however I need to for planning and structuring with other programs/tasks. Anyone got any good ideas for programs? Free is possible.
Great for asset lists
So you want to live from the sales of the software you are working on.
Fully supports images
Online real-time collaboration
The only other one I know of worth mentioning is yEd
I'm not sure if it supports imported image based nodes like Dia does though.
Google Drive Drawing looks nice, it acts like drawing program and not a flowchart program, which in a way is nice. It's online, so it has it upsides like having your work whenever you want it, downside is that you need internet to use it.
So far Dia seem to be the best option for me, it can do relations, boxes and images, and is free.