Well I've finally got a functional demo I can show to folks. This is running smoothly on my iPhone 3GS. The vehicle physics seem to be working well, all GUI elements are scaling to non-retina resolution properly, so I'm pretty happy so far. Next up is proper environment art, implementing AI and LODs for AI.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vv8K_XQeDA&feature=plcp"]Racing Game Demo - Unity Engine - YouTube[/ame]
Here is a link to view this scene in wonderful 3d:
Looing forward for more! and oh, some android love
This is a small update to the AI traffic vehicles in my Unity Race Demo project. I've implemented plugging in the wheelCollider data into the AI script. Now I can control the brakeTorque aspect of the wheelColliders when a raycast in front of the vehicle detects a collider with the tag of "AI". You'll notice that my large "white cube" truck will detect the red cubes in the roadway (represents obstacles or other AI) and will hit the brakes. Once the object moves out of range it will then begin accelerating again.
It's getting there, not entirely aware or intelligent yet, but it will be soon.
Have you considered putting a steering wheel graphic that the user turns like a proper steering wheel rather than tapping left or right? You'll get more fluid motion