Hey everybody, it feels so good to finally be able to announce this. But my studios 1st title Harold just went live for the world to see! It has been a awesome experience working here with some industry giants (original Disney animators from the days of Aladdin, and formal Studio Ghibli animator who worked on Princess Mononoke)
This game has been a very interesting experience pushing technology for a game engine that really wasnt designed for this. And my job has been a little bit all over the place but im glad that it all came together All the VFX you see in the game I implemented and got working (we have a staff of 2D artists who do the drawings)
Anyway enough talk CHECK THIS OUT!
Check out this review to see a video of it all in motion!
It feels so nice to actually be posting real work instead of stupid comments and pictures of cats
Thanks everyone I will be posting more when im allowed!
For anyone attending pax please look for our booth and go play (I unfortunately wont be there) But if you see a stocky, angry, balding , cuban man who is playing the game, go say hi give him a hug and say Remi said for you to do that. He will love it!
The game looks gorgeous, but you guys could really do with making a trailer more readily available. Almost all of the reviews are just plain screenshots, and your site doesn't have any trailer up as far as I can tell.
For a game that's being touted on the strengths of its animation, that's a bit of a glaring oversight.
I've gotta say, I just watched those gameplay videos and wasn't that blown away. The atmosphere seemed cool, but the gameplay didn't seem that... fun. Why does he keep getting hit by lightning? Is that player controlled or..?
PogoP Im hoping that will clear up the air (and for others on how this game functions etc) This game seems slow but has a stupid level hard difficulty thats similar to meatboy with near perfect timings to get that best time/1st place....and yes you are rewarded for 1st place in the game past unlocakables and stupid achievements...theres purpose to it in the game design itself that I cant reveal yet.
Game looks fantastic, congratulations. If anything the game play reminded me of an old Amiga game Sleepwalker, the character will inevitably get there but you control the environment. Showing my age here.
You made a customer out of me, keep up the good work!
New article up and some new screens guys. We took alot of user feedback and have really worked alot of the gameplay element from the ground up since pax, I hope you guys enjoy the new screenys!
Art style is drop dead gorgeous and the animations are out of this world, but I guess that's a given with ex-Disney and Ghibli animators.
Thanks everyone I will be posting more when im allowed!
For anyone attending pax please look for our booth and go play (I unfortunately wont be there) But if you see a stocky, angry, balding , cuban man who is playing the game, go say hi give him a hug and say Remi said for you to do that. He will love it!
The art style is top notch and you can definitely feel the Disney influence, but at the same time it's something new and unique. Amazing work!
For a game that's being touted on the strengths of its animation, that's a bit of a glaring oversight.
on a side not, I had my comp volume off and Radiohead's Bones was playing on my phone when I started the Kotaku vid. They work very well together
Yup the only game to be mentioned so far BY PENNY ARCADE GUYS! BOOM!
Go look for this booth!
PogoP Im hoping that will clear up the air (and for others on how this game functions etc) This game seems slow but has a stupid level hard difficulty thats similar to meatboy with near perfect timings to get that best time/1st place....and yes you are rewarded for 1st place in the game past unlocakables and stupid achievements...theres purpose to it in the game design itself that I cant reveal yet.
You made a customer out of me, keep up the good work!