So, I'm giving this biker dude from awesome artist Denis Zilber a try. I'm sort of stuck since I'm not too happy with the face, I think proportions look good and it looks close to the concept in the front view but something is bugging me a LOT on the side view and I don't know what it is so, please, crits and even paintovers if you're feeling ever so generous, it's all welcome.
Original concept by
Denis Zilber:

Gah, turntable is a little too fast, but I think it gets the point across.
Anyway people, crit away, I wanna take this to completion but I know there are things I can improve but just can't seem SEE them.
I hope you don't mind, here's a quick paintover:
Kurt, man, I don't mind the paintover at all, I really want to get as many crits as possible cause I wanna steer this in the right direction so thanks, I will definitelly address those issues.
But I have to ask, isn't there something wrong with the face there? I feel the side view looks 'correct' cause it matches the front view fine but is totally unappealing and weird looking to me.
the concept has a faint cheekbone, maybe go in with the hpolish brush and bring that out some in the same style as the nose
This model is looking great so far! About the face, i think he should be a little bit flat, i did a paint over to see if it helps.
Totally agree. Over all I am really digging this guy but a slightly flatter face and squashed nose bridge would help a ton.
Great work.. You are inspiring me to do another fan art.