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EVE Online

Anyone playing this? I just started up with some friends. I tried it YEARS ago and hated it. I think the learning curve was too steep for me at the time. But man, I have a new appreciation of it now. And holy did they improve the graphics. The game looks gorgeous now. All the cool designs of ships are super cool too.


  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    I tried a couple of times and couldn't get into it. The fact that you just control a spaceship and don't have an actual character is really off-putting to me.

    I hear they're planning on adding a mass-effect type of gameplay where you run around on space stations and whatnot. If that ever happens, I'll definitely check it out again.
  • reverendK
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    reverendK polycounter lvl 7
    spreadsheet warfare with pretty pictures. I think the design itself is intense and impressive, but i've never felt i had the time to dedicate to it...just from the two times i tried for a week or so it seems like you'd have to invest a great deal to realy get the game to start getting fun.
    then again - the whole dynamic might change if i had friends who played - i've always gone in alone.
  • Mark.N
    I've played it off and on for years now and I have to admit that it really isn't all that time intensive as everyone seems to make it out to be (You can train enough skills to be a PvP pilot in less than a day). Sure, skills train in real time (which can take anywhere from minutes to months) but by that same token you don't have to grind for character progression, which just means you can spend more time actually playing the game. I for one just hop on for 5-10 minutes just to check some market orders and do some industry work or just go out and roam the pvp areas until my ship gets destroyed (You will die...a lot; get used to it).

    As for things to do in the game; it's still a sand box and while CCP has done a better job of roping in new players and directing them towards interesting 'careers' you still need to make your own fun to a degree. I for one am a big fan of market trading and PvP (the pvp is pretty unique within the industry but can be fairly daunting to a new player, though it doesn't have to be). But to be fair that's just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what players can do for fun.

    It's also not a game to play by yourself, as much as I hate to admit it. The amount of gameplay options really begins to open up when you have either friends to play with or by joining a player run corp/alliance to participate in whatever like minded goals you all may have. It's very goal oriented in that you should set goals for yourself and try to accomplish them (sandbox remember?) rather than wandering aimlessly.

    The Eve Sub-reddit generally has good information and is willing to help newer players (there's actually a sub-reddit just for newbs as well) along with some other websites such as Failheap Challenge (I'll put links below).

    The thing about Eve is that it has an insane amount of depth and it can be incredibly difficult to wrap your head around everything (something I don't recommend). As I said, I've played for years and there's still plenty of parts to the game that I haven't even touched or know anything about. It's just all about finding what's interesting to you and your friends that will make the game fun in the long run.

    Some things I recommend to a group of newer players starting out:

    Exploration - Probing down combat/non-combat sites and completing them for lots of ISK. This is a great entry level PvE career. It has relatively low skill requirements (mostly just combat skills and some science) and can be pretty fun. I've always likened in to monster hunting, i.e. go into an area, kill a bunch of mobs and just see what kind of shiny loot you can farm out of it.

    Mission Running - Standard PvE. Go here, shoot this, loot this, collect reward. Pretty basic and pretty boring imo, but always a great fallback.

    Faction Warfare - Kind of the starter version of PvP. Instead of warring between player entities you fight for the various racial militias inside of designated war-zone regions. You can earn quite a few Loyalty Points for the various militias which you can then spend to buy items which you can sell on the market for good money.

    Mining and Industry - This can be tricky to get operational as new players and doesn't necessarily provide the greatest of incomes but if you guys want to get together and produce ships/modules to sell (or use yourselves in pvp/whatnot) it can be a lot of fun if you're in to that sort of thing. Not to mention Tech 2 and Tech 3 production get that much more complicated and with that comes some insane profits, although I wouldn't recommend T2/T3 production to new players.

    Trade Route Hauling - Find goods in a region that are cheap then haul them to another region where people are buying them for more than you paid. Congrats, you just made profit. Watch for ganks, and remember, there's no such thing as safe unless you're docked in a station.

    Market Retail - Go to a trade hub, Jita is the largest, and buy lots of commonly used modules/ships and other commodities. Haul them out to an area that doesn't have a nearby trade hub but also has demand for these items; systems with lots of mission runners or PvP entry systems are prime examples. List your goods (that you bought at whole sale prices) for something that's much higher than what you paid and watch your wallet climb.

    Piracy - Train up everyone into some basic attack frigates (Rifters are excellent for this) and roam low and null sec looking for people either killing npc rats, or running trade routes. Blow em up and loot or defeat them and before killing them attempt to ransom them for millions of isk (depending on their ships value)

    Ganking - Remember how I said there's no such thing as safe; time to exploit that. Load up in high dps ships with your friends, I recommend the Catalyst or Thrasher destroyers or the Tornado battle cruiser (You want to use as little as is needed since you will be losing these ships to the space police). Find some poor sap who's hauling way too much valuable stuff in his crappy, un-tanked ship (General rule of thumb is that if their cargo is worth more than twice the entirety of your gank fleet then go for it) and blow his ass up; enjoy your 'stolen' loot.

    Sovereignty Warfare - This is the much larger scale version of PvP. If you enjoy fighting and dying for territory throughout the galaxy, running in fleets with up to hundreds of other pilots, watching super capitals get destroyed, or otherwise running with large groups, then join up into a null sec alliance and give this a try.

    This wall of text is really just scratching the surface of Eve and it can be a daunting game to get started with. But if you do find something you enjoy and persist with it, then the game can be incredibly rewarding (The PvP really is like no other game out there and the high risk/reward model can make for some serious white knuckle moments). If you have any more specific questions just let me know and I'll do my best to answer them.


    Eve Sub-Reddit
    Eve Newb Sub-Reddit
    FailHeap Challenge - Great forum for general info and ship fittings
    7-Step Beginners Guide
    Tips n Tricks
    GOONS Recommended Training Guide
    GOONS Newbie Guide
    Eve-Central - An excellent site for market and trade info
  • FlynT
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    FlynT polycounter lvl 8
    Mark's post describes the core of Eve pretty well! But Eve is really hard to describe, it may feel shitty at the beginning but trust me the time will come where it catches you and never let you go!
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    I played earlier this year, it's daunting to get into, but fun. Very complicated game, especially outside of the 'normal' pve combat game, should you go that route. I totally disagree with Hugh, there's a lot more to combat than waypoint and auto-attack.
  • EbolaV
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    EbolaV keyframe
    I'm currently playing with some friends and my brother, we are living in wormhole space with our small base. It feels so different than living in normal space. Way more fun and you have to be careful not to close your way back when you enter a wormhole cause it can collaps :D
  • Paradan
    if you haven't played it within the last year or so, grab the demo and check out the character generator. its really an amazing piece of tech.
  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    Yeah character generator is amazing. I had a good dedicated 6 month stint at EVE. It's an amazing game and super complicated. So much to learn. It was taking over my life, so gave it up. Have often thought about returning on a more casual basis....I just love space/sci-fi/spaceship games and this one is done with so much polish.
  • slipsius
    Well, if anyone wants to add me, or has a corp I could join... My game name is "Punish oTheon"

    I had a few people in the nebie help channel give me a few mil ISK which was nice. Was able to buy better mining gear and an industry ship. I got an industry ship cause i thought it would be better for mining with the huge cargo space, but nope. it sucks. only 1 high slot, slow as hell, and I dont get a bonus to my mining output. so I went back to the basic ship i got for completely some of the mining tutorials. Too bad.... I hate the tiny cargo space. Freaking annoying.

    How do you set up bases? Its annoying to go from port to port, even though most of my shit is back at another port.
  • Mark.N
    That industrial ship isn't entirely worthless, I'd hang on to it because you'll want to use it to transport your ore (or whatever else you get) between bases.

    Lucky for you, the most recent patch (as of just a few weeks ago) completely buffed the various mining ships (I'm assuming that's what you're interested in?) and even added a proper mining frigate (You should probably skill into it). I believe it's under Frigates > ORE but I'm not sure of it's exact name.

    The various mining barges (Retriever, Covetor, Procurer) and their tech 2 variants (Hulk, Mackinaw, Skiff) are the real work horse of the mining industry. They also have heftier skill requirements, but I think if you follow the progression from the ORE Frigate into one of them, assuming you like mining enough to stick with it, then you should be fine.

    I'm assuming you're somewhat interested in setting up a mining base of some kind (Point in case I think you're getting sick of warping to a belt, mining for a bit, then warping back to a station to dump your cargo, repeat) and this can be somewhat tricky for a new player. Jet canning is probably the most popular, although you have to keep an eye on your cans. Basically go to the market and look for a Giant Secure Container, assemble it and setup a password lock on it. Then take it out to a belt you want to mine with that industrial you bought, eject it, come back in your mining ship, and now you have 3900m3 of cargo space floating around with which you can add ore to as you go. Once filled, come back and retrieve it with your industrial hauler. As you get more advanced, or join a proper mining corp, you'll gain access to someone with an Orca, or maybe even a Rorqual, and either of those capital ships will become a mobile base of operations for you.

    Just watch for can flippers and ore thieves, since you're new people will notice your employment date (basically character age) and attempt to exploit your ignorance for lack of a better term. Looking inside another persons wreck/can is not a crime, stealing however is a crime and they will become aggressed to you (Flashing red on overview by default). That means you can shoot to kill, but it's probably not a good idea. A lot of players will flip cans in a crap ship to make it seem like they're an easy target, and once you've aggressed them they'll reship into something far more powerful and kill you. Just ignore any can flipping shenanigans for the time being and you should be ok.

    I'm still getting Eve installed onto this new laptop (Go figure Sprint doesn't seem to take too kindly to you downloading an 18gb game over the 4g network, but I digress) but once I get it up and running I'll get in touch with you and we can chat some more. I'm not sure where in the galaxy you're currently based out of, I tend to operate in Domain/The Bleak Lands (Amarr Space) but will probably be moving over to The Forge/Black Rise (Caldari Space) to follow the faction warfare corps (I love selling to them, they just burn through isk faster than I can keep their stations stocked hah).

    Hell if enough PC'ers get into / are into Eve then it may be time to unleash a Greentooth Corp :D

    Fly Safe o7
  • reverendK
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    reverendK polycounter lvl 7
    if that happens...i'm finally gonna get into eve
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    So where are they on letting you control an actual character? I would assume they're building up that gameplay judging by how much effort they put into the character creation system.
  • Lazerus Reborn
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    Lazerus Reborn polycounter lvl 8
    An why hasn't this been mentioned?


    Fps that is apart of EVE
  • Mark.N
    Bigjohn wrote: »
    So where are they on letting you control an actual character? I would assume they're building up that gameplay judging by how much effort they put into the character creation system.

    Yes CCP spent a lot of time developing that system for the game, however, what happened was the player base became very vocal against CCP spending so much time on this rather unnecessary component to the game, rather than spending that same time either adding new meaningful content or fixing content that had been having problems for years. Hence, the character creator is there, and you are allowed to walk around your 'Captains Quarters' and ship hanger, but that's it. There really isn't a whole lot to do outside of your pod because CCP put the idea on the back burner to focus on more pertinent issues and they yielded to the community (this was for the better, there were massive riots going on throughout the game about a year ago to protest all this 'misspent time' among other things).

    With that being said, what was developed has been put towards DUST 514's character system and CCP still does want to expand upon it in Eve to allow players to mingle among themselves in the stations, playing casino games or things of that nature, but I wouldn't expect to see any of that for at least another 18 months.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHH_MHd0c94"]EVE Online: Rubicon Cinematic Trailer - YouTube[/ame]

    So bumping the old thread, I havent probably gotten as far as you guys. Cuurently doing the military missions: Security level 1. Grinding while skill training as that takes a hell lot of time.

    I've been meaning to get in to SOE which is going to be soon ish.
  • maximumsproductions
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    maximumsproductions polycounter lvl 13
    Loved this game in the short time I played it. But the amount that you can lose in a second that I've heard about is too heart sinking for me ^^. The soundtrack for this game is absolutely incredible.. especially "Below The Asteroids".
  • Visum
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    Visum polycounter lvl 7
    5 years and 4 in deep null sec.
    This game is a second life.
    Quit it because it became waaaay to real :)

    I miss it though.
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    Do they have characters you can control already?

    I've been waiting for them to add a Mass-Effect Citadel type of gameplay. That's the only way I'm playing that game.
  • Cloakedninja
    Bigjohn wrote: »
    Do they have characters you can control already?

    I've been waiting for them to add a Mass-Effect Citadel type of gameplay. That's the only way I'm playing that game.

    Unfortunately no, other than the Captains quarters which is only limited to your room and you can see your ship. If I recall correctly, they won't be implementing station walking for a long time. The current focus is updating/fixing the current ship game before they begin to work on station walking again.
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    Unfortunately no, other than the Captains quarters which is only limited to your room and you can see your ship. If I recall correctly, they won't be implementing station walking for a long time. The current focus is updating/fixing the current ship game before they begin to work on station walking again.
    Good. We don't need useless features in EVE. We need moar ships, with more customization options.

    I mean really. What the hell would be doing on station ? EVE is about flaying ships.

    Also new effects for Rail and projectile weapon would be very welcome.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    iniside wrote: »
    Good. We don't need useless features in EVE. We need moar ships, with more customization options.

    I mean really. What the hell would be doing on station ? EVE is about flaying ships.

    Also new effects for Rail and projectile weapon would be very welcome.

    Now its pretty much global as in you dont have to stick with Caldari ships if you are representing a Caldari State.

    So you can have any ship you like.

    There are 2 new ships of SOE you should look in to it. =]


  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    iniside wrote: »
    Good. We don't need useless features in EVE. We need moar ships, with more customization options.

    I mean really. What the hell would be doing on station ?

    From what I understand about EVE, other than space-combat, it's all about trading, crafting, economy, etc. Which means human contact. Which sounds intriguing to me, but I just can't get into it if all I control is a ship.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Bigjohn wrote: »
    From what I understand about EVE, other than space-combat, it's all about trading, crafting, economy, etc. Which means human contact. Which sounds intriguing to me, but I just can't get into it if all I control is a ship.

    You should look in to:

    Planetary Interactions?

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKnObxB9XCs"]EVE Online: Planetary Interaction Tutorial - YouTube[/ame]

    Dust514 (Playstation only)

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfT_caE1KHQ"]Dust 514 - Extended Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    huh that's pretty cool. I didn't know they got that far with it.

    But is it possible as a new player to just play that side of things? I mean just play the economy side of things while ignoring the space-battles? Is there some guide on how to do this?

    This is a bit off-topic, but does anyone know what's the accent of the narrator in that Planetary Interaction video? Is it just a London accent? I've been hearing it a lot lately in sci-fi type games and been wondering.
  • maximumsproductions
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    maximumsproductions polycounter lvl 13
    Bigjohn wrote: »
    huh that's pretty cool. I didn't know they got that far with it.

    But is it possible as a new player to just play that side of things? I mean just play the economy side of things while ignoring the space-battles? Is there some guide on how to do this?

    From what I've seen/heard and tried to do in the short time I played, you can totally do pure economy side of things and ignore space-battles.

    The best part, though, is how dynamic the economy is. How strategic you actually have to think about hauling your economic stuff through different sectors and territories. Truly, you're never safe, ever, and that's where the thrill comes in.

    It's weird to think but this is probably the most serious "sim" you can get to because unlike dayz and all that over survival stuff, there's never as much on the line for stakes as this.

    As a new player, you won't immediately getting to planetary stuff I believe. I'd suggest start mining ops and joining a clan that focuses on economy to show you the ropes and give you benefits.

    Also planets in riskier space I think are more valuable in certain resources?

    I think that the social aspect is what will really grab you (if in group of people), even if you don't have a character to relate with.

    *Disclaimer* - only played a couple months but was exciting none the less :P

    Edit: And sorry if you're not completely new, this information may just be redundant/worthless for you ^^
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    Oh, for sure, I'm completely new to this game. Always admired it from afar. I was looking for an actual tutorial or new-player guide or something. I found some guides online, but it looks like they're targeted more towards veteran players.

    It may be that the game is designed in such a way that you have to start out doing one thing, and then transition into something else. That's why I wanted to see a guide before I sink who knows how many hours into something like that.
  • Bacn
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    Bacn polycounter lvl 13
    Bigjohn wrote: »
    But is it possible as a new player to just play that side of things? I mean just play the economy side of things while ignoring the space-battles? Is there some guide on how to do this?

    Depends what you want to get into, but you can usually jump into whatever part of the game you want. Planetary interaction, as previously mentioned, is something you can start doing the instant you get your starting money from the tutorial. Trading is easily the best way to make money in the game and all you need for that is a trading hub and a pocket full of dreams. Exploration is super fun and also really easy to get into right out of the gate. Mining is even encouraged by the developers as one of the 'main' ways to play the game.

    The only part of the game that ever felt like it was blocked off to newbies is crafting, which to this day I cannot understand how anyone can get into without an alliance of miners at their beck and call.

    I've been playing EVE on-and-off for years and I love the game to death. Might start my account back up in the next few months when I've gotten Final Fantasy XIV out of my system.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15

    You missed out one thing.

    There is:

    -R&D (research and development)
    -SCAMMING (Yes according to the EVE-Pedia, it is legal and there are tutorials for that as well.)
  • Brandon.LaFrance
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    Brandon.LaFrance polycount sponsor
    Its cool to see that other Polycounters are into this game. I played it for a bit a couple of years ago. Although I got into it with the plan of becoming a dog-fighting ace, I actually spent much more time trading than anything else.

    I bought a single PLEX with real money and then traded it for in game currency to get some starting capital. After that initial investment, I just bought low and sold high. I was able support my subscription on the credits I was earning this way. I didn't even have to leave the station to do so. I even had quite a healthy surplus to spend on ships and fittings, which I was replacing frequently.

    Although I enjoyed my time, I didn't have a reliable group to explore and PvP with. How many of you guys are actually playing regularly these days?
  • maximumsproductions
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    maximumsproductions polycounter lvl 13
    I'm actually getting back into Eve just because of this thread reminding me of it :P. In a couple of weeks about to crunch hard for several months though so I'll just be doing economy stuff that is afk worthy like mining.

    But if you want to talk or anything (the universe can be lonely), my dudes name is Malcolm Ax
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    Bacn wrote: »
    Depends what you want to get into, but you can usually jump into whatever part of the game you want. Planetary interaction, as previously mentioned, is something you can start doing the instant you get your starting money from the tutorial. Trading is easily the best way to make money in the game and all you need for that is a trading hub and a pocket full of dreams. Exploration is super fun and also really easy to get into right out of the gate. Mining is even encouraged by the developers as one of the 'main' ways to play the game.

    That sounds cool. So do you guys know of any kind of guide I can look into that looks into one (or all) of these things from a Newbie's perspective?
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Bigjohn wrote: »
    That sounds cool. So do you guys know of any kind of guide I can look into that looks into one (or all) of these things from a Newbie's perspective?

    It starts you with the tutorial missions, and you must do those before you do anything else, you cant decline the tutorial missions because they are the essential guide EVE. You will be lost without them.

    After that you will have to decide what career would you want to pursue in EVE

    for other guides I use Evelopedia

    Currently I am representing Caldari faction (State War Academy: Noob corp.)

    EDIT: Is anyone good with fits here? I'd really love us to start posting our fits for whatever career. :D
  • Bacn
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    Bacn polycounter lvl 13
    Nitewalkr wrote: »
    -SCAMMING (Yes according to the EVE-Pedia, it is legal and there are tutorials for that as well.)

    You know a game is hardcore when, not only is greifing other players allowed, the developers actively encourage it.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    without it, there is no game of EVE.
    that's why we advise people: " when you fly, be sure not to take anything with you that you can't afford to lose."
  • Pegbird
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    Pegbird polycounter lvl 5
    I was in a Pirate corp for 3 years on and off and it was some of the best moments in gaming as a hobby, period. I Even went to Fanfest 2011 in Iceland and met up with some of the guys. Imagine an Alcoholics Anonymous LAN Party event on an iceberg for Star Trek geeks. I loved it.

    EVE eclipses other online games, however its not for everyone and requires a lot of time investment (both play and research/number crunching) and you really REALLY need to fall in with a great bunch of people to play with or else it is Solitary Confinement In Space.

    It will put hair on your balls and once you've played it, it is very difficult to feel satisfied with the comparatively shallow dynamics of other MMORPGs, which are mostly just slightly evolved derivatives of each other.
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