Hello y'all,
I've been busy with this HK UMP 45 (bet you haven't seen that one before ^^) last time, and it's almost finished now. Beside this, I'm planning to create some attachments (silencer, laser, foregrip and scope) to make it more badass and interesting. I'll post the progress on those.
The model contains 4630 tris, and is rendered in Marmoset (/w diff/spec/normal)
Any crits and / or tips are appreciated

Normal Only

Normal Only

And the HighPoly

Be careful with scratches occurring deep between the rail notches because most attachments grip the extrusions on the sides and a bar or two that extends the width of the rail, but the attachments won't really ever touch the bottom edges except in installation and removal. It's also my experience that when something is installed, it's a very snug fit and will not rub against surfaces too much. Obviously with that in mind, instruments on top mean no scratches on the rail surfaces and minimal on rail crevices (assuming it's only been installed and removed a small handful of times). Man, I've never done rails but this write up is telling me how complicated the texture is... I definitely appreciate this more now.
I have an EOTech holographic sight that's only six rails long and the rest hovers over the rail surface. Try making scratches that allude to certain things once existing n certain areas. Telling a story like that will do a wonderful job of selling your fiction. Good luck and consider me interested in your progress!
Awesome work so far! The tri count is pretty awesome for what you have
Jacque's metal guide:
Thanks, I appreciate your enthousiasm, though I don't think I'm thatgood :P Just trying, practicing and repeating will improve skills.
You're right. 90% of my reference mats of those rails weren't realy damaged, just wanted to give them some more color variating, in contrast to the all black body of the UMP. Might just have 'slighly' overdone that
Will keep those scratch positions in mind. The absence of switch wear is just plain stupid forgotten, though the mag and barrel wouldn't have come to my mind before. I too think that the texturing part is the hardest part, at least to create something realistic. Therefore this is a good practise!
Thanks for the guide. Everytime I'm starting a new texture, it's always kind of trial and error. I'll tweak the materials of the bullets. I forgot btw the transparent plastic in the magazines, which will make the bullets IN the magazine less visible, though they still need some time indeed.
I haven't created a Gloss map, since that is fused with Spec maps in Marmoset (or does Marmoset uses the alpha as gloss? not sure about that)
Here are the flats, used 2K maps,just scaled these down
Also put in the transparent plastic in the magazine, though I'm not sure about that.
It looks better when looking from an angle, but it also creates a kind of gulfy edges in the magazine... (Could be ofcourse a shaderbug in Marmoset - opacity always have some strange sideeffects)
Edit: Also there is a smoothing error on the magazine, fixing that now
Tried to play a little with a gloss map on this one.
It's slightly longer that the original one (AngryGun), I think it looks a slightly cooler
Also removed the damage on the rails, though it feels a little 'too clean' for me now... Any opinions?